Chapter 6

Enjoying HDR Photography


Bullet Understanding what HDR is about

Bullet Setting up your camera for HDR

Bullet Photographing exposure brackets

Bullet Creating and tone mapping HDR images

Bullet Experimenting with alternate techniques

High dynamic range (HDR) photography gets around your camera's limited ability to capture details in dark shadows and details in bright highlights in the same photo. It does this by using more than one photo to collect brightness information. Similar to shooting panoramas, HDR photography is a two-step process.

The first step is photography. Select a scene and take more than one shot with different exposure settings (see Book 3, Chapter 1 for more information about exposure). These are called exposure brackets. I explain what exposure brackets are and how to shoot them in the first part of this chapter.

The second step of HDR photography involves specialized software. You combine the exposure brackets into a single, high-dynamic range image, which you then tone ...

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