Chapter 1

So You’re Thinking About Buying an Electric Car


Bullet Why buying an electric car makes perfect sense

Bullet Benefitting from tech disruption

Bullet Learning the lingo

Bullet Seeing the key differences in owning an electric versus a gas-powered car

Bullet Realizing that gas-powered cars won’t be around forever

Bullet Answering your top questions about electric cars

With the aid of about 50 years of hindsight, I can unequivocally make this statement:

Life-changing moments rarely seem so at the time.

For me, one of the biggest events in my adult life went like this: In the summer of 2017, I went out for sushi and it changed my life.

Was the sushi really that good? No. But the drive to the sushi spot took place in a Tesla Model X — shout-out to Jonathan Guy and Ian Martinez for setting things up — and the experience lit my brain on fire.

Roughly one year after I took that first ride in an electric vehicle ...

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