© Casey Hardman  2020
C. HardmanGame Programming with Unity and C#https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5656-5_33

33. Physics Playground Design and Outline

Casey Hardman1 
West Palm Beach, FL, USA

For our third example project, we’ll be tackling some new topics pertaining to the physics of the Unity engine. We’ll implement a mouse-aimed camera with 3D movement for our player, including jumping, gravity, and wall jumping. We’ll play with some objects using proper Rigidbody-controlled physics, giving our player a means of pushing and pulling them from a distance. We’ll also tinker with joints to attach Rigidbodies to each other and “force fields” to play with adding forces to Rigidbodies and/or our player on the fly.

Feature Outline

This project will ...

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