Chapter 3
Committing Your Capital and Adding Value
In This Chapter
Taking the plunge and exercising your rights as an investor
Reaping rewards and helping the company succeed
Understanding your exit options
You've considered the risks spelled out in Chapter 1 of Book IX, and you're prepared for the worst-case scenario (which is losing every dime you invest), and you can still clearly see the value of committing your capital. Now you've decided you're ready to take the plunge and become a crowdfund investor. In this chapter, you find out how to make the actual investment, what your responsibilities as an investor are, and how (and when) you can end your investment, including explaining the kinds of exits (IPO and merger or acquisition) you're probably hoping for.
Making Your First Crowdfund Investment
After you've done your research into potential investments (with the help of Book IX, Chapter 2) and reached out to someone you trust for a second opinion, you may feel ready to commit to an investment. But you have to be aware that committing your money to a crowdfund investing campaign doesn't lead to instant equity that immediately starts increasing or decreasing in value.
If you ...
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