Virtual Chassis Case Study

This section combines the information we’ve covered thus far in the form of a practical VC deployment case study based on the book’s topology. Here are the design requirements:

  1. Rename Switch 3, Vodka, to Vodkila, to reflect the impending merger of the two previously standalone switch names.


    There is an old saying that mixing beer and whiskey is risky; this is sage advice and we can only hope that no ill effects result from the vodka-tequila combination that is soon to be born!

  2. Assign to the OoB interface; ensure that incoming Telnet and console connections to any switch members are redirected to the current VC master.

  3. Switch 3 and Switch 4 share a closet; the third member is located in a remote closet.

  4. Ensure that Switch 3 and Switch 4 can function as the master RE in a non-revertive manner.

  5. Ensure that the third VC member functions as an LC whenever either or both Switch 3 and Switch 4 are operational.

  6. Assign Switch 3 and Switch 4, and the new VC member IDs 0, 1, and 2, respectively.

  7. Ensure that no additional switches can join the VC without management intervention.

  8. The design must have no single point of VC failure, and the loss of any VC trunk should not prevent ongoing communications.

You may need the following information to complete your task:

  1. All three VC member switches have a 4×1 GE uplink module installed.

  2. The EX4200 serial numbers are:

    • Switch 3 = BM0208269780

    • Switch 4 = BM0208269767

    • Third VC member = BM0208269780

Figure 4-16 shows the before and after topologies.

In this example, the VC deployment occurs in two phases. Phase 1 combines the two existing switches, Vodka and Tequila, into the mythical Vodkila, and phase 2 brings in a third VC member that is housed in a remote closet. Note how the interface names change on switch member 1 to reflect its shift from a standalone VC with member ID 0 to member ID 1. Except for LLDP updates that report the connected peer’s interface name change, there is minimal disturbance to the surrounding switches. The same level of connectivity is maintained, and for the most part things just get simpler, given that there is one less bridge/router in the network to generate protocol updates and to contend for the role of designated bridge.

Combining the two switches may result in changes to the spanning tree forwarding topology, especially if either Switch 3 or Switch 4 is the current designated bridge. Regardless, the nature of Layer 2 forwarding and its propensity to form loops means there will be fewer forwarding or root bridge ports in the “after” topology. For example, assuming that Whiskey is the current root bridge, before the merge Switch 3 and Switch 4 have a root port that can forward toward the root. After the merge the combined VC has a single root port; assuming default parameters, this will be either the ge-0/0/3 or the ge-0/0/4 interface. Despite the potential for some reduction in the aggregate number of forwarding ports, the VC provides many administrative gains, and if desired the physical topology could be altered to provide added capacity, likely in the form of an aggregated bundle. In fact, with the addition of AE bundles, more capacity can be easily attached.

Note that in Layer 3 mode the redundant links can still be used and the ability to load-balance means there is little net effect to forwarding capacity. This is yet another reason router geeks are prone to saying, “Bridge when you must and route when you can.”

The results of VC deployment

Figure 4-16. The results of VC deployment

Prepare for the Merge

Before rolling out the VC bandwagon, there are a few things you should do to ensure a smooth migration:

  1. Back up both standalone switch configurations to a remote location.

  2. Return one of the switches to a factory-default configuration, and power off.

  3. Attach VCP cables.

The first step is just a good practice and is pretty much common sense. After the merge, you will need to modify the interface assignments in one of the switches to match its new member ID. The master switch overwrites the public configuration portion of all VC members, resulting in loss of the original configuration. Lastly, the master could (in some future release) automatically push a new JUNOS install image into any members with a mismatched software version. The install process may only attempt to save SSH keys from the original configuration, so be sure to move anything you plan to keep to safe storage off the EX device itself.

In this example, the OoB is used to quickly copy a saved configuration from Vodka to an FTP server. The same process is performed at Tequila, but is not shown:

lab@Vodka# save Vodka_pre_vc_config
Wrote 172 lines of configuration to 'Vodka_pre_vc_config'

lab@Vodka# run file copy Vodka_pre_vc_config
ftp://instructor:training1@ftp_server/juniper/100% of 3346  B  917 kBps


In case you’re curious, a static host mapping is configured to allow use of the hostname:

lab@Vodka# show system static-host-mapping
ftp_server inet;

Next, you load and commit a factory default on Tequila. Given that root is the only user in the new config, you log out as user lab, so you can return as root to perform a graceful shutdown (the non-existent lab user is no longer permitted to perform this operation):

lab@Tequila> configure
Entering configuration mode

lab@Tequila# load factory-default
warning: activating factory configuration

lab@Tequila# set system root-authentication plain-text-password
New password:
Retype new password:

lab@Tequila# commit and-quit
commit complete
Exiting configuration mode

lab@Tequila> quit

Amnesiac (ttyu0)
root@% root
root@% OS 9.0R2.10 built 2008-03-06 10:31:45 UTC
root@% cli
root> request system halt
Halt the system ? [yes,no] (no) yes

*** FINAL System shutdown message from root@ ***
System going down IMMEDIATELY

Shutdown NOW!
[pid 1198]
. . .

Though not easy to show in this book, the final preparation step is the attachment of the VCP cables between Switch 3 and Switch 4. Given the redundancy aspects of the design, and their close proximity, you opt for a VCP ring. In this case, there is no merit to any particular VCP cabling scheme, as distance is not an issue and all VCP ports operate the same. As a result, you end up attaching the VCP 0 port of both switches with one VCP cable, and their VCP 1 ports with the other.

Preparation is complete; you are now ready to actually deploy the VC!

Configure VC Parameters

Now the fun can officially start. Your first configuration choice is to perform a non-provisioned versus a preprovisioned installation. Thinking back, the choice is clear given the requirement that no switch be allowed to join the VC without management action. The non-provisioned mode does not offer you the ability to list allowed members by serial number, and will therefore allow any switch with compatible software into the VC. So, preprovisioned it is.

The preprovisioned mode allows you to explicitly bind each member’s serial number with a VC member ID and VC role, which is just the ticket here. This helps to ensure that you also meet the stated member ID requirements, which will no longer be based on VC attachment sequence. This mode also handles priority based on role, taking care of the requirement that member 3 must be an LC when either member 1 or member 2 is acting as the master RE.

The first step is to assign the new hostname:

lab@Vodka> configure
Entering configuration mode

lab@Vodka# set system host-name Vodkila

The next configuration task removes the standalone me0 OoB management interface configuration to replace it with a virtual one that is shared among REs. You configure the vme interface as though it were any other interface, but currently there is no VLAN encapsulation and you must use unit 0:

[edit interfaces]
lab@Vodka# show me0
unit 0 {
    family inet {

[edit interfaces]
lab@Vodka# delete me0

With the physical me0 interface out of the way, you are clear to add the vme configuration. Note that committing with both prevents the virtual interface from being created:

[edit interfaces]
lab@Vodka# set vme unit 0 family inet address

[edit interfaces]
lab@Vodka# show vme
unit 0 {
    family inet {


Rather than deleting the me0 and adding a new vme, you might consider using the CLI’s rename function. After renaming me0 to vme you will likely have to reassign the IP address, an operation that can also be performed using rename.

Next, position yourself at the [edit virtual-chassis] hierarchy to begin configuration of the VC-specific parameters:

[edit interfaces]
lab@Vodka# top edit virtual-chassis

[edit virtual-chassis]
lab@Vodka# set preprovisioned

The preprovisioned statement does what it says, and once in this mode you must list each member that is allowed to join the VC by its serial number, which is then mapped to an ID and VC role. You start with the current switch, Vodka, because it’s supposed to be assigned ID 0, and because it’s the only VC member currently powered on. As previously explained, this switch is already the master of its one-VC domain using ID 0. Because you will assign this switch an RE role, and because it’s been powered up first, expect this switch to remain as master once construction of the new Vodkila is complete.

The definition for switch member 0 is added:

[edit virtual-chassis]
lab@Vodka# set member 0 role routing-engine

[edit virtual-chassis]
lab@Vodka# set member 0 serial-number BM0208269834

[edit virtual-chassis]
lab@Vodka# show
member 0 {
    role routing-engine;
    serial-number BM0208269834;

That was pretty straightforward, so you move on to complete the definition for member ID 1. The updated configuration is displayed:

[edit virtual-chassis]
lab@Vodka# set member 1 role routing-engine serial-number BM0208269766

[edit virtual-chassis]
lab@Vodka# show
member 0 {
    role routing-engine;
    serial-number BM0208269834;
member 1 {
    role routing-engine;
    serial-number BM0208269766;

Happy with your work, you decide to commit the changes. Before doing so, add the commit synchronize option so that all commit events are treated as though the synchronize switch was included. Recall that in any dual-RE configuration it’s recommended that you always synchronize the configuration at every commit, for obvious reasons. As a rule, if you do not have a specific need to maintain distinctly different configs on the master and backup REs, don’t. Note that NSR/Non-Stop Bridging support mandates this option, but general GRES and/or protocol GR does not:

[edit virtual-chassis]
lab@Vodka# top

lab@Vodka# set system commit synchronize

lab@Vodka# commit and-quit
error: Could not connect to fpc-1 : Can't assign requested address
warning: Cannot connect to other RE, ignoring it
commit complete

The commit warning is expected; given that only member 0 is powered up, the attempt to synchronize the configuration to non-existent VC members is in vain, and fails accordingly. Before powering up Switch 4, you quickly access VC status at member 0:

lab@Vodkila> show virtual-chassis

Preprovisioned Virtual Chassis
Virtual Chassis ID: 001f.123d.b4c0
                                       Mastership        Neighbor List
Member ID  Status   Serial No    Model   priority  Role  ID  Interface
0 (FPC 0)  Prsnt    BM0208269834 ex4200-24t      129  Master*

The VC status is as expected. One switch is up; it’s the current master RE, and it has an ID of 0:

lab@Vodkila> show virtual-chassis vc-port
Interface        Type             Status
PIC / Port
vcp-0            Dedicated        Down
vcp-1            Dedicated        Down

There is nothing to be alarmed about here; VCP ports can be up only when attached to another switch that has power applied:

lab@Vodkila> show virtual-chassis protocol adjacency
Interface             System         State        Hold (secs)
internal-0/27         001f.123d.b4c1 Up               65535
internal-1/24         001f.123d.b4c0 Up               65535

The VCCP adjacency status confirms that the switch has two PFEs and that both are internally adjacent. Again, all is as expected. Note that the presence of only two PFEs indicates this must be a 24-port model, which in fact is the case:

lab@Vodkila> show chassis hardware
Hardware inventory:
Item             Version  Part number  Serial number     Description
Chassis                                BM0208269834      EX4200-24T

Confirm initial VC operation

With the single-node VC doing all it can, the time has come to power up the old Tequila. Before flipping its power switch, attach to its console to monitor its boot progress and look for any error messages:

. . .
USB:   scanning bus for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found
       scanning bus for storage devices... 1 Storage Device(s) found
. . .
starting local daemons:.
Sat Jan  1 01:41:09 UTC 2005

Amnesiac (ttyu0)

Nothing noteworthy shows in the boot-up messages, except that things do not end well given the display of an Amnesiac prompt. The expectation was a virtual console redirection to the current master RE, which clearly did not happen. This does not bode well for the nascent VC. You log in to the now factory-default configuration as root:

root@% root
root@% OS 9.0R2.10 built 2008-03-06 10:31:45 UTC
root@% cli
root> show virtual-chassis 
syntax error, expecting <command>.

After logging in as root, you find it odd that the show virtual-chassis command does not complete as it did on Switch 3. You decide to create a lab/super-user account so that you can log in via internal communications paths via Switch 3/Vodkila; root logins are not currently permitted on the intra-VC communications path:

root> configure
Entering configuration mode

root# ...user lab class super-user authentication plain-text-password
New password:
Retype new password:

root# commit
commit complete

Back on member 0/Switch 3, you decide to do some troubleshooting:

lab@Vodkila> show virtual-chassis

Preprovisioned Virtual Chassis
Virtual Chassis ID: 001f.123d.b4c0
                                     Mastership            Neighbor List  
Member ID Status Serial No    Model    priority  Role      ID  Interface
0 (FPC 0) Prsnt  BM0208269834 ex4200-24t    129  Master*   1  vcp-0      
                                                           1  vcp-1      
1 (FPC 1) Prsnt  BM0208269767 ex4200-24t   129  Linecard   0  vcp-0
                                                           0  vcp-1

The output of the show virtual-chassis command works again, and interestingly it shows two members, each connected by two VC ports, which is pretty much as expected. The only detail that seems off is that member 1 is shown as an LC, when the preprovisioned configuration stated it should function in an RE role; the expected status for member 1 is therefore backup. Something is not right. You next display VC adjacency status:

lab@Vodkila> show virtual-chassis protocol adjacency
Interface             System         State        Hold (secs)
internal-0/27         001f.123d.b4c1 Up               65535
internal-1/24         001f.123d.b4c0 Up               65535
vcp-0                 001f.123d.d281 Up                  58
vcp-1                 001f.123d.d280 Up                  57

Interface             System         State        Hold (secs)
internal-0/27         001f.123d.d281 Up               65535
internal-1/24         001f.123d.d280 Up               65535
vcp-0.32768           001f.123d.b4c1 Up                  58
vcp-1.32768           001f.123d.b4c0 Up                  59

The output confirms that all expected adjacencies for two EX4200-24s connected via two VCP ports are present. Each switch has two internal and two external adjacencies, which is expected given this configuration and cabling scheme. VCCP LSP flooding also seems to be working, given that the expected number of LSPs (one from each PFE in the VC) is present in both members:

lab@Vodkila> show virtual-chassis protocol database
LSP ID                      Sequence Checksum Lifetime
001f.123d.b4c0.00-00           0x2cd   0xea48      117
001f.123d.b4c1.00-00           0x2c9   0xef34      117
001f.123d.d280.00-00           0x1e1   0xe412      115
001f.123d.d281.00-00           0x1e3   0xce41      116
  4 LSPs

LSP ID                      Sequence Checksum Lifetime
001f.123d.b4c0.00-00           0x2cd   0xea48      115
001f.123d.b4c1.00-00           0x2c9   0xef34      115
001f.123d.d280.00-00           0x1e1   0xe412      117
001f.123d.d281.00-00           0x1e3   0xce41      118
  4 LSPs

The first clue as to what is wrong comes from a detailed analysis of the LSP generated by the DIS/pseudonode at member 0/Switch 3. The output is truncated to save space:

lab@Vodkila> show virtual-chassis protocol database extensive member 0
. . .

  Packet: LSP ID: 001f.123d.b4c0.00-00, Length: 584 bytes, Lifetime : 118 secs
    Checksum: 0x84cc, Sequence: 0x2d6,
    Fixed length: 27 bytes, Version: 1, Sysid length: 0 bytes
    Packet type: 18, SW version: 9.2

    Node Info: Member ID: 0, VC ID: 001f.123d.b4c0, Flags: 3, Priority: 129
       System ID: 001f.123d.b4c0, Device ID: 0
       System ID: 001f.123d.b4c1, Device ID: 1
    Neighbor Info: 001f.123d.b4c1.00, Interface: internal-0/27, Metric: 10
    Neighbor Info: 001f.123d.d281.00, Interface:         vcp-0, Metric: 10
    Master Info: System ID: 001f.123d.b4c0
    Backup Info: System ID: 0000.0000.0000
    Member Info: System ID: 001f.123d.d280, Member ID: 1 Member role: Not Part of
Virtual Chassis
       System ID: 001f.123d.d280, Device ID: 3
       System ID: 001f.123d.d281, Device ID: 4
    Member Info: System ID: 001f.123d.b4c0, Member ID: 0 Member role: Master
       System ID: 001f.123d.b4c0, Device ID: 0
       System ID: 001f.123d.b4c1, Device ID: 1
    Unknown TLV, Type: 25, Length: 40
    Unknown TLV, Type: 24, Length: 1
    Unknown TLV, Type: 28, Length: 112
  No queued transmissions
. . .

Given the highlighted output, it appears the VC’s master feels that member 1 is not a functional part of the VC. This condition should help drive home how the operation of VCCP is independent of the results; this is to say that VCCP appears to be working fine here, but the result is not the expected two-member VC.

You decide to monitor the messages log to see whether anything is up, and the following messages are found to be repeating:

lab@Vodkila> monitor start messages

*** messages ***
Jan  1 02:13:48  Vodkila fpc1 (mrvl_cos_egr_buf_init) Egress buffer limits on 0
error 0 
Jan  1 02:13:48  Vodkila /kernel: invalid fpc 1, closing connection
Jan  1 02:13:48  Vodkila /kernel: pfe_listener_disconnect: conn dropped: listener
idx=3, tnpaddr=0x11, reason: none
Jan  1 02:13:48  Vodkila fpc1 (mrvl_cos_egr_buf_init) Egress buffer limits on 1
error 0 
Jan  1 02:13:48  Vodkila fpc1 PFEMAN: Master socket closed 
Jan  1 02:13:48  Vodkila fpc1 PFEMAN disconnected; PFEMAN socket closed abruptly 
Jan  1 02:13:48  Vodkila fpc1 pfeman_get_server_addr: selecting master RE 
Jan  1 02:13:48  Vodkila fpc1 Routing engine PFEMAN reconnection succeeded after 1
Jan  1 02:13:48  Vodkila fpc1 PFEMAN master RE reconnection made

Clearly something is not right with member 1. You add tracing to the VC, and see what it has to say:

lab@Vodkila# show virtual-chassis
traceoptions {
    file vc_trace;
    flag error;
member 0 {
    role routing-engine;
    serial-number BM0208269834;
member 1 {
    role routing-engine;
    serial-number BM0208269767;

lab@Vodkila# run monitor start vc_trace

*** vc_trace ***
Jan  1 02:38:56.329244 WARNING: LSP from 001f.123d.d281 on interface vcp-0 with
bad packet version 9.0
Jan  1 02:38:56.329451 WARNING: LSP from 001f.123d.d280 on interface vcp-1 with
bad packet version 9.0
. . .

The VC trace spews out errors that serve to make the issue somewhat clear. The bad version messages jog your memory; what was that about a VC needing compatible software versions again? You internally connect to member 1 and have a real “d’oh!” moment as its version is displayed:

ab@Vodkila> request session member 1
--- JUNOS 9.0R2.10 built 2008-03-06 10:31:45 UTC

Breaking the connection and back on the master RE, you are relieved to note a compatible Jinstall package on its local storage:

lab> exit
rlogin: connection closed

lab@Vodkila> file list

. . .

And now the beauty of VCCP strikes you. It provides an opaque transport of VC-related information, and therefore can operate even when VC parameters do not match. Although a VC may not form, the continued operation of the VCCP protocols permits ongoing diagnostics and facilitates maintenance activities, such as use of internal links to allow login into member switches or, luckily for you, the pushing and subsequent installation of software upgrades:

lab@Vodkila> request system software add jinstall-ex-9.2R1.9-domestic-signed.tgz
member 1 reboot
Pushing bundle to fpc1
WARNING: A reboot is required to install the software
WARNING:     Use the 'request system reboot' command immediately
Rebooting ...
shutdown: [pid 720]
Shutdown NOW!


The software add command makes use of the member switch, and correctly identifies member 1, preventing the software from being installed on member 0, which is already on that version and would serve only to force a needless reboot. Meanwhile, you switch attention back to Switch 4’s console port to again monitor its boot progress:

. . .
Verified SHA1 checksum of jswitch-ex-9.2R1.9.tgz
Verified SHA1 checksum of jweb-ex-9.2R1.9.tgz
Running requirements check first for jbundle-ex-9.2R1.9-domestic...
Running pre-install for jbundle-ex-9.2R1.9-domestic...
Installing jbundle-ex-9.2R1.9-domestic in /tmp/pa2350.21/jbundle-ex-9.2R1.9-
Running post-install for jbundle-ex-9.2R1.9-domestic...
Adding jkernel-ex...
. . .


Updated JUNOS versions may automate the pushing of compatible software to new switch members. In the 9.2 release, this process must be performed manually.

So far, so good; all indications are that the matched software version is being installed. It makes watching water boil seem...enticing, doesn’t it? Sometime later when the upgrade is complete, the initial console login is again Amnesiac, causing a pang of fear to run up your spine:

Tue Aug  5 08:59:53 UTC 2008

Amnesiac (ttyu0)

Your concerns melt away in true “Calgon bath” fashion, when you see that the console login is now correctly redirected to the VC’s master. Eureka! A Vodkila is born and you can’t help declaring, “It’s alive!”

login: lab

Logging to master

--- JUNOS 9.2R1.9 built 2008-08-05 07:25:22 UTC

With things apparently working, the VC status is displayed to confirm that member 1 is now correctly listed as a backup RE:

lab@Vodkila> show virtual-chassis

Preprovisioned Virtual Chassis
Virtual Chassis ID: 001f.123d.b4c0
                                       Mastership          Neighbor List  
Member ID Status Serial No    Model      priority  Role    ID  Interface
0 (FPC 0) Prsnt  BM0208269834 ex4200-24t      129  Master*  1  vcp-0
                                                            1  vcp-1
1 (FPC 1) Prsnt  BM0208269767 ex4200-24t      129  Backup   0  vcp-0
                                                            0  vcp-1

The assignment of the same priority (based on the VC member role in preprovisioned mode) results in a non-revertive mastership behavior, which is a required aspect of the VC deployment. Should the current master fail and then come back online, it will not overthrow the new master, given that both have the same priority. The show chassis mac-addresses command provides final proof that you now have a functional two-member VC:

lab@Vodkila> show chassis mac-addresses
    FPC 0   MAC address information:
      Public base address     00:1f:12:3d:b4:c0
      Public count            64 
    FPC 1   MAC address information:
      Public base address     00:1f:12:3d:d2:80
      Public count            64

Recall that in the event of an RE switch, the new master begins using its own MAC address after the configured age-out time. During the age-out it continues to use the old master’s MAC address.

To complete the VC migration, the original interface assignments in Tequila’s original (and luckily enough, saved) configuration are modified to replace slot/FPC number 0 with 1, resulting in the list shown. While you’re at it, you decide to add some descriptions to help keep things straight in the new world order that is Vodkila:

ge-1/0/0 {
    description "To Rum also";
    unit 0 {
        family inet {
ge-1/0/1 {
    description "To Brandy";
    unit 0 {
        family inet {
ge-1/0/2 {
    description "To Bourbon";
    unit 0 {
        family inet {
ge-1/0/3 {
    description "To Gin";
    unit 0 {
        family inet {
ge-1/0/8 {
    description "To Whiskey too";
    unit 0 {
        family inet {

A load merge terminal relative is entered at the [edit interfaces] hierarchy to paste the modified interface name into the configuration, and the change is committed:

[edit interfaces]
lab@Vodkila# load merge terminal relative
[Type ^D at a new line to end input]
    ge-1/0/0 {
        description "To Rum also";
        unit 0 {
            family inet {
    ge-1/0/1 {
        description "To Brandy";
        unit 0 {
            family inet {
    ge-1/0/2 {
        description "To Bourbon";
        unit 0 {
            family inet {
    ge-1/0/3 {
        description "To Gin";
        unit 0 {
            family inet {
    ge-1/0/8 {
        description "To Whiskey too";
        unit 0 {
            family inet {
load complete

[edit interfaces]

[edit interfaces]
lab@Vodkila# commit and-quit
configuration check succeeds
commit complete
commit complete
Exiting configuration mode


Note how the commit synchronize setting results in the configuration being mirrored to both REs. You will be happy you did this should the mastership later change. Not being one to leave well enough alone, you decide to test a mastership change now using a request chassis routing-engine command:

lab@Vodkila> request chassis routing-engine master release no-confirm
Vodkila (ttyu0)

The virtual management session is broken during the mastership change. Upon reconnection, you are again attached to the newly active master:

login: lab

--- JUNOS 9.2R1.9 built 2008-08-05 07:25:22 UTC

lab@Vodkila> show virtual-chassis

Preprovisioned Virtual Chassis
Virtual Chassis ID: 001f.123d.b4c0
                                        Mastership           Neighbor List
Member ID  Status Serial No    Model      priority  Role     ID  Interface
0 (FPC 0)  Prsnt  BM0208269834 ex4200-24t      129  Backup    1  vcp-0
                                                              1  vcp-1    
1 (FPC 1)  Prsnt  BM0208269767 ex4200-24t      129  Master*   0  vcp-0      
                                                              0  vcp-1

Given the change in mastership that was just triggered, it is no surprise to see that member 1 is now acting as the VC’s master RE while member 0 stands by waiting to return to its former glory. Having confirmed proper mastership switchover (GRES) and the desired non-revertive behavior, you return to the original member roles, but using a slightly different approach to keep it real, yo:

lab@Vodkila> request session member 0
--- JUNOS 9.2R1.9 built 2008-08-05 07:25:22 UTC
lab@Vodkila-fpc0-BK> request chassis routing-engine master acquire no-confirm

Vodkila-fpc1-BK (ttyu0)

login: lab

Logging to master

--- JUNOS 9.2R1.9 built 2008-08-05 07:25:22 UTC
lab@Vodkila> show virtual-chassis

Preprovisioned Virtual Chassis
Virtual Chassis ID: 001f.123d.b4c0
                                       Mastership          Neighbor List
Member ID Status Serial No    Model      priority  Role    ID  Interface
0 (FPC 0) Prsnt  BM0208269834 ex4200-24t      129  Master*  1  vcp-0
                                                            1  vcp-1
1 (FPC 1) Prsnt  BM0208269767 ex4200-24t      129  Backup   0  vcp-0

The highlights call out the redirection of the console port on Switch 4 to the current VC master, which is always called Vodkila. The current master is again member 0. In the next section the two-member VC is expanded to pick up a remote member.


Newer versions of JUNOS helps to disambiguate which member is the active RE by adding the member ID to the hostname prompt.

Expand the VC with VCE Links

In this section, you will complete the VC deployment by adding a third member switch, located some distance away from the current VC members. Given the distance needed, you will need to use VCE ports, which involves redefining one or more uplink module ports to operate in VCCP mode.

Figure 4-17 shows the VCE design specifics needed to meet the stated redundancy requirements.

Expanding the VC with member 3

Figure 4-17. Expanding the VC with member 3

The key point is the use of two VCE ports at member 3, with each port attached to a different VC member, thereby meeting the stated redundancy objectives given that this approach ensures no single point of failure for the VC, and that the VC can continue to communicate with the loss of any one VC trunk.

You can define as many VCEs as you have uplink ports, but note that VCCP routing will use only one such link for any given destination, based on the results of its shortest-path calculation. VCCP factors link speed so that the high-speed VCP backplane ports are generally preferred over any VCE link when an all-VCP path exists.

Prepare the new switch

As before, you should return the new switch to a factory default, after archiving any configuration it may have. In this case, you also have the foresight to ensure that it’s already running a matched software version.

You can configure the new switch’s uplinks now, as long as you do not attach its uplink cables to the other VC members before their uplinks are set to VCCP mode. Failing to do this may prevent proper VCCP auto-sense, which may force a restart virtual-chassis-control to get things working properly.

Configure the VCE ports

In our lab, the cables are already attached, and the lab is too far away to warrant a trip just for this. To help ensure that things work to plan, the approach taken is to configure the VC’s VCE ports first. In effect, this places them in auto-discovery mode. The new switch does not have any uplink configuration, so currently only light traffic is sent over its uplink ports, which should avoid any potential confusion to the VCCP auto-sense function. When ready, you plan to activate the VCE ports on the new switch and things should work.

You start at the master RE, where you configure member 0’s VCE link to Switch 3. Note that given that this is member 0, you are configuring PIC 0/1, which is the uplink module:

lab@Vodkila> request virtual-chassis vc-port set ?
Possible completions:
  interface            Member's virtual chassis interface
  pic-slot             Member's PIC slot
lab@Vodkila> request virtual-chassis vc-port set pic-slot 1 port 0

The pic-slot argument correctly identifies the uplink module on the local switch, and sets the first port to VCE mode. The change is confirmed for member 0:

lab@Vodkila> show virtual-chassis vc-port member 0
Interface        Type             Status
PIC / Port
vcp-0            Dedicated        Up
vcp-1            Dedicated        Up
1/0              Configured       Up

The new VCE is correctly displayed and is in the Up state given that it’s cabled to the new switch member and has light. This leaves the three remaining 1 GE ports available for normal uplink usage at member 0. The same command is used to create a VCE link at member 1. In this case, the member argument is used to push the change to the correct VC member:

lab@Vodkila> request virtual-chassis vc-port set pic-slot member 1 1 port 0


And the results are confirmed as before:

lab@Vodkila> show virtual-chassis vc-port member 1
Interface        Type             Status
PIC / Port
vcp-0            Dedicated        Up
vcp-1            Dedicated        Up
1/0              Configured       Up

As expected, no adjacencies have been formed over either VCE at this point:

lab@Vodkila> show virtual-chassis protocol adjacency member 0
Interface             System         State        Hold (secs)
internal-0/27         001f.123d.b4c1 Up               65535
internal-1/24         001f.123d.b4c0 Up               65535
vcp-0                 001f.123d.d281 Up                  58
vcp-1                 001f.123d.d280 Up                  59
vcp-255/1/0           001f.123d.d280 Down                11

With the VC end ready to go, it’s time to power up the new switch and configure its uplinks for VCE operation. Note that until it’s attached, the switch has member ID 0, which you must keep in mind when you configure its VCE ports. Once it becomes part of the VC it will receive its new member ID and will do the right thing to update its private configuration:

root> show virtual-chassis

Virtual Chassis ID: 001f.123d.e6c0
                                       Mastership          Neighbor List
Member ID Status Serial No    Model      priority  Role    ID  Interface
0 (FPC 0) Prsnt  BM0208269780 ex4200-24t      128  Master*

Member ID for next new member: 1 (FPC 1)

Both VCE ports are activated. The 1/0 port goes to member 0 and the 1/1 port goes to member 1:

root> request virtual-chassis vc-port set pic-slot 1 port 0

root> request virtual-chassis vc-port set pic-slot 1 port 1

After a moment or two, the results are confirmed. You begin by logging out, at which time you note that the prompt changes, which indicates proper VC operation and is a good omen:

-fpc0-LC (ttyu0)

. . .
root@-fpc0-LC% .9 built 2008-08-05 07:25:22 UTC
root@-fpc0-LC% cli

root@-fpc0-LC> show virtual-chassis
Virtual Chassis ID: 001f.123d.b4c0
                                       Mastership            Neighbor List
Member ID Status Serial No    Model      priority  Role      ID  Interface
0 (FPC 0) Prsnt  BM0208269780 ex4200-24t      128  Linecard*

But the show virtual-chassis display confirms that something is again wrong. The new switch member has the wrong ID, and fails to list the rest of the VC members that are known to exist. Back at the master we get some additional hints as to the nature of the problem:

lab@Vodkila> show virtual-chassis

Preprovisioned Virtual Chassis
Virtual Chassis ID: 001f.123d.b4c0
                                    Mastership          Neighbor List  
Member ID Status Serial No    Model   priority  Role    ID  Interface
0 (FPC 0) Prsnt  BM0208269834 ex4200-24t   129  Master*  1  vcp-0      
                                                         1  vcp-1      
1 (FPC 1) Prsnt  BM0208269767 ex4200-24t   129  Backup   0  vcp-0      
                                                         0  vcp-255/1/0
                                                         0  vcp-1      
-          Unprvsnd BM0208269780 ex4200-24t

Yep, the display makes the problem clear. We are in a preprovisioned mode but have failed to update the master configuration with the new member’s serial number. The configuration mistake is rectified:

lab@Vodkila> configure
Entering configuration mode

lab@Vodkila# set virtual-chassis member 2 role line-card serial-number BM0208269780

lab@Vodkila# commit and-quit
configuration check succeeds
commit complete
commit complete
Exiting configuration mode

And the VC status is again displayed:

lab@Vodkila> show virtual-chassis
Preprovisioned Virtual Chassis
Virtual Chassis ID: 001f.123d.b4c0
                                    Mastership           Neighbor List
Member ID Status Serial No    Model   priority  Role     ID  Interface
0 (FPC 0) Prsnt  BM0208269834 ex4200-24t   129  Master*   1  vcp-0
                                                          2  vcp-255/1/0
                                                          1  vcp-1
1 (FPC 1) Prsnt  BM0208269767 ex4200-24t   129  Backup    0  vcp-0
                                                          2  vcp-255/1/0
                                                          0  vcp-1     
2 (FPC 2) Prsnt  BM0208269780 ex4200-24t     0  Linecard  0  vcp-255/1/0
                                                          1  vcp-255/1/1

The results are as expected, and they confirm that a three-member VC is now operational. The neighbor ID list indicates that some neighbors are adjacent over a VCE, as indicated by the vcp-255/1/0 designation. Proper internal routing is confirmed by displaying the VC’s active topology:

lab@Vodkila> show virtual-chassis active-topology
  Destination ID       Next-hop

  1                    1(vcp-0)  1(vcp-1)

  2                    (vcp-255/1/0)  1(vcp-1)

The display confirms that member 0 plans to reach member 1, which is collocated using the VCP cables. Its first choice is to use VCP Port 0, and it can fall back to Port 1 if needed. To reach the remote chassis, it prefers the direct VCE link vcp-255/1/0, but in the event of that next hop failing it is prepared to fall back to its vcp-1 link, which takes it through member 1 via the VCP connection, and then from member 1 to member 2 over the remaining VCE link.

A quick look at the VC RT for Destination 3 at member 0 confirms that VCE links have a higher cost, due to their reduced bandwidth:

lab@Vodkila> show virtual-chassis protocol route 2 member 0

Dev 001f.123d.b4c0 ucast routing table             Current version: 79
System ID          Version   Metric Interface     Via
001f.123d.b4c1          79       10 internal-0/27 001f.123d.b4c1
001f.123d.d280          79       20 vcp-0         001f.123d.d281
                                    internal-0/27 001f.123d.b4c1
001f.123d.d281          79       10 vcp-0         001f.123d.d281     
001f.123d.e6c0          79       63 vcp-255/1/0   001f.123d.e6c0
001f.123d.e6c1          79       73 vcp-255/1/0   001f.123d.e6c0

The display shows that internal and VCP links have a cost of 10. Thus, the route from PFE 0 in member 0 to PFE d280, which is in member 1, has a path cost of 20, given the use of two such links. The lower-speed 1 GE VCE is assigned a cost of 63 by the automatic scaling algorithm. As such, for member 0 to reach PFE 1 (e6c1) in member 2, the path cost is 73, reflecting the need to transit one VCE and one internal link.

These results confirm the operation of the new VC and complete the VC deployment case study.

Since you were the one to bring it up, who better to pull it all down? Note the use of the all-members switch to force the graceful shutdown of the entire VC:

lab@Vodkila> request system halt all-members
warning: This command will halt all the members.
If planning to halt only one member use the member option
Halt the system ? [yes,no] (no) yes

Halting fpc1

Halting fpc2
Shutdown NOW!
[pid 2413]

*** FINAL System shutdown message from lab@Vodkila ***
System going down IMMEDIATELY

Case Study Summary

The VC deployment case study demonstrated the simplicity and veritable plug-and-play nature of the EX4200 VC. Along with VC configuration, the commands and procedures used to verify a VC’s operational status and maintenance procedures were also demonstrated.

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