To verify the TLS configuration, follow these steps:
- Run the istioctl command:
$ export RATING_POD=$(kubectl -n istio-lab get pods -l app=ratings -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') ; echo $RATING_PODratings-v1-79b6d99979-k2j7t$ istioctl authn tls-check $RATING_POD.istio-lab ratings.istio-lab.svc.cluster.localHOST:PORT STATUS SERVER --- ratings.istio-lab.svc.cluster.local:9080 OK mTLS --- --- CLIENT AUTHN POLICY DESTINATION RULE--- mTLS default/istio-lab ratings/istio-lab
Notice that the server and client communication between microservices is mTLS and that it is protected through strong identity—a standard that is progressing. You can find out more at