Data collections

Data collection components are the display components that let us easily populate the record of data in different elements, including ojTable, ojDataGrid, ojTree, and ojListView.

Each of the data collection components allows us to render the records along with additional options for auto layout, dynamic scrolling, column sorting, and pagination. Let's review ojTable with pagination in the following example:

  • HTML:
        <div id="pagingControlDemo">          <table id="table" summary="Cities List"           aria-label="Cities Table"           data-bind="ojComponent: {component: 'ojTable',              data: pagingDatasource, columns: [               {headerText: 'Country', field: 'country'},               {headerText: 'City Name', field: 'name'},               {headerText: 'Lattitude', field: 'lat'}, {headerText: ...

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