Tabuchi, H., 639
Taes, M., 37
Tagler, M. J., 178
Tang, N., 199
Tang, T. L.-P., 199
Tannenbaum, S. I., 333
Tarantino, Quentin, 194
Tarcan, M., 93
Taskin, L., 267
Taylor, Frederick, 14
Taylor, S. G., 163
Teeter, S. R., 66
Teller, Edward, 344
Terdiman, D., 521
Thatcher, Margaret, 393
Theuwis, F., 625
Thompson, L., 153
Thompson, M., 439
Thomson, A., 217
Thurm, S., 37
Tilelli, Maggie, 535
Tilstone, P., 318
Tirkkonen, K., 629
Toker, S., 25
Tomas, Jose, 348
Tong, Andrew, 423
Top, M., 93
Toth-Kiraly, I., 199
Touryalai, H., 543
Toyoda, Akio, 495
Trougakos, J. P., 625
Tugend, A., 88
Tujague, Frank, 77
Tully, S., 517
Turing, Alan, 525
Turnley, W. H., 153
Tversky, A., 322
Twain, Mark, 191
Twenge, J. M., 160 ...
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