
You read about text widgets in Chapter 3, including the available styling options. Some of these options are also available with any text element that you include in your scene’s HTML. Plus, you can use Mojo’s standard text styles or override those styles within your CSS. In this section, you’ll see how to apply type styles as truncation and capitalization functions, as well as some basic alignment techniques.


Prelude is the primary font family for webOS. Its warm and welcoming appearance belies its underlying strength and readability. Prelude’s designer, David Berlow of the Font Bureau, says of the typeface, “We wanted something that just disappears on the device, becoming such an integral part of the Palm webOS design, you don’t notice.”

You have a choice of typestyles, as shown in Figure 7-1, which are built into the framework so that you get them by default.

Prelude font family styles

Figure 7-1. Prelude font family styles

Use the optional classes condensed or oblique with most text classes to modify the base class with a condensed or oblique font style.

Table 7-1 summarizes the available typestyles.

Table 7-1. Prelude typestyles



Prelude Medium

Provided with all text elements and classes by default

Prelude Medium Oblique

Add oblique class to any text element or class

Prelude Medium Condensed

Add condensed class to any text element or class

Prelude Medium Bold

Add <b> (bold) or <strong> ...

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