


localeconv( )

Returns a dictionary d containing the cultural conventions specified by categories LC_NUMERIC and LC_MONETARY of the current locale. While LC_NUMERIC is best used indirectly via other functions of module locale, the details of LC_MONETARY are accessible only through d. Currency formatting is different for local and international use. The U.S. currency symbol, for example, is '$' for local use only. '$' would be ambiguous in international use, since the same symbol is also used for other currencies called “dollars” (Canadian, Australian, Hong Kong, etc.). In international use, therefore, the U.S. currency symbol is the unambiguous string 'USD‘. The keys into d to use for currency formatting are the following strings:


Currency symbol to use locally


Number of fractional digits to use locally


Currency symbol to use internationally


Number of fractional digits to use internationally


String to use as the “decimal point” for monetary values


List of digit grouping numbers for monetary values


String to use as digit-groups separator for monetary values

'negative_sign', 'positive_sign'

String to use as the sign symbol for negative (positive) monetary values

'n_cs_precedes', 'p_cs_precedes'

True if the currency symbol comes before negative (positive) monetary values

'n_sep_by_space', 'p_sep_by_space'

True if a space goes between sign and negative (positive) ...

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