Chapter 5Why A/B Testing Is Mission-critical to Any Sales Org

By now, you know that when we think about modern sales, we are talking in large part about the science of sales. Like a scientific experiment, you should always be testing multiple variables in your Sales Engagement process.

Here are examples of what you can start testing and what it can do for you:

  • You can test subject line copy to learn which e-mail gets the best open rates.
  • You can test subject line length to learn which e-mail gets the best open rates.
  • You can test variations of your call to action to learn which link, call scheduling tactic, or copy results in more positive replies.
  • You can test voice mail scripts to learn which messages work best.

When it comes to the science of sales, these test ideas are just the tip of the analytics iceberg. The possibilities for A/B testing your sales hypotheses are literally endless. For further A/B testing examples and advice, let’s turn things over to Pavel Dmitriev, Vice President of Data Science at Outreach.

The Case for A/B Testing: Bing, a Few Lines of Code, and a $100 Million Annual Increase in Revenue

A 2017 issue of Harvard Business Review contained an interesting story. An engineer at Bing proposed a simple code change to the way ad headlines were displayed.1 Through A/B testing, the company was amazed to learn that the change increased revenue by 12%—more than $100 million annually. That’s the good news.

The bad news? There was a 6-month lag between the ...

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