Chapter 1

1. Quoted in Chris Zook and James Allen, The Founder’s Mentality (Boston: Harvard Business Review Press, 2016), 54. See also Marshall Fisher, Santiago Gallino, and Sergui Netessine, “Retailers Are Squandering Their Most Potent Weapons,” Harvard Business Review, January–February 2019, 72–79.

2. An influential early description of the AIDA formula was Harold C. Cash and W. J. E. Crissy, “Ways of Looking at Selling,” in Managerial Marketing: Perspectives and Viewpoints, 2nd ed., ed. William Lazer and Eugene Kelley (Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1962): 554–559.

3. Many studies now indicate differences between current buying processes and linear AIDA representations of buying. See, for example, the “State of the Connected ...

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