Chapter 3.1
Optical fibers for broadband
3.1.1 Introduction
Development of optical fiber technology is considered to
be a major driver behind the information technology
revolution and the tremendou s progress in global tele-
communications that has been witnessed in recent years.
Fiber optics, from the point of view of telecommunica-
tion, is now almost taken for granted in view of its
wide-ranging application as the most suitable singular
transmission medium for voice, video, and dat a signals.
Indeed, optical fibers have now penet rated virtually all
segments of telecommunication networks, whether
transoceanic, transcontinental, intercity, metro, access,
campus, or on-premise. The first fiber optic telecom link
went public in 1977. Since that time, growth in the
lightwave communication industry until about 2000 has
been indeed mind boggling. According to a Luce nt
technology report [1], in the late 1990s optical fibers
were deployed at approximately 4800 km/hr, implying
a total fiber lengt h of almost three times around the globe
each day until it slowed down when the information
technology bubble burst!
The Internet revolution and deregulation of the tele-
communication sector from government controls, which
took place almost globally in the recent past, have sub-
stantially contributed to this unprecedented growth
within such a short time, which has been rarely seen in
any other technology. Initial research and development
(R&D) in this field had centered on achievin g optical
transparency in terms of exploitation of the low-loss and
low-dispersion transmission wavelength windows of
high-silica optical fibers. Though the low-loss fiber with
a loss under 20 dB/km that was reported for the first
time was a single-mode fiber (SMF) at the He–Ne laser
wavelength [2], the earliest fiber optic lightwave systems
exploited the first low-loss wavelength window centered
on 820 nm with graded index multi-mode fibers forming
the transmission media. However, primarily due to the
unpredictable nature of the bandwidth of jointed
multimode fiber links, since the early 1980s the system
focus shifted to SMFs by exploiting the zero material
dispersion characteristic of silica fibers, which occurs
at a wavelength of 1280 nm [3] in close proximity to
its second low-loss wavelength window centered at
1310 nm [4].
The next revolution in lightwave communication took
place when broadband optical fiber amplifiers in the form
of erbium-doped fiber am plifiers (EDFA) were de-
veloped in 1987 [5], whose ope rating wavelengths for-
tuitously coincided with the lowest-loss transmission
wavelength window of silica fibers centered at 1550 nm
[6] and heralded the emergence of the era of dense
wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) technology in
the mid-1990s [7]. By definition, DWDM technology
implies simultaneous optical transmission through one
SMF of at least four wavelengths within the gain band-
width of an EDFA (Fig. 3.1.1). Recent development of
the so-called AllWaveÔ and SMF-28eÔ fibers devoid of
the characteristic OH
loss peak (centered at 1380 nm)
extended the low-loss wavelength window in high-silica
fibers from 1280 nm (235 THz) to 1650 nm (182 THz),
thereby offering, in principle, an enormously broad
53 THz of optical transmissi on bandwidth to be poten-
tially tapped through the DWDM technique! These
fibers are usually referred to as enhanced SMF
(G.652.C) and are characterized with an additional low-
loss window in the E-band (1360–1460 nm), which is
about 30% more than the two low-loss windows centered
Guided Wave Optical Components and Devices; ISBN: 9780120884810
Copyright Ó 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights of reproduction, in any form, reserved.

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