Chapter 3.4
Photonic bandgap–guided
Bragg fibers
3.4.1 Introduction
Consequent to the mind-boggling progress in highspeed
optical telecommunications witnessed in recent times, it
appeared tha t it would only be a matter of time before
the huge theoretical bandwidth of 53 THz offered by
low-loss transmission windows (extending from 1280 nm
[235 THz] to 1650 nm [182 THz]) in OH
-free high-
silica optical fibers would be tap ped for telecommuni-
cation through dense wavelength division multiplexing
techniques! In spite of this possibility, there has been
a considerable resurgence of interest among researchers
to develop specialty fibers, that is, fibers in which
transmission loss of the material would not be a limiting
factor and in which nonlinearity or dispersion properties
could be conveniently tailored to achieve transmission
characteristics that are otherwise almost impossible to
realize in conventional high-silica fibers. Research
targeted at such fiber designs gave rise to a new class of
fibers, known as microstructured optical fibers (see
Chapter 3). One category of such microstructured fibers
is known as photonic bandgap fibers (PBGFs). In a con-
ventional optical fiber, light is guided by total internal
reflection because of the refractive index contrast that
exists between a finite-sized cylindrical core and the
cladding of lower refractive index that surrounds it. On
the other hand, in a PBGF, light of certain frequencies
cannot propagate along directions perpendicular to the
fiber axis but instead are free to propagate along its length
confined to the fiber core. This phenomenon that forbids
the propagation of photons (of certain frequencies)
transverse to the axis of microstructured fibers, led to the
christening of these specialty fibers as pho tonic bandgap-
guided optical fibers, in analogy with the electronic band-
gaps encountered by electrons in semiconduc tors. In
contrast to the electronic bandgap, which is the conse-
quence of periodi c arrangement of atoms/molecules in
a semiconductor crystal lattice, photonic bandgap arises
due to a periodic distribution of refractive index in certain
dielectric structures, generically referred to as photonic
crystals (reminiscent of semiconductor crystals in solid-
state physics) [1]. If the frequency of incident light hap-
pens to fall within the photonic bandgap, which is char-
acteristic of the photonic crystal, then light propagation is
forbidden in it. Depending on the number of dimensions
in which periodicity in refractive index exists, photonic
crystals are classified as one-, two-, or three-dimensional
photonic crystals (Fig. 3.4.1) [2]. Opals are naturally
occurring photonic crystals consisting of a three-
dimensional lattice of dielectric spheres, and opalescence
is a direct consequence of their photonic crystal nature.
The iridescent wings of some butterflies and beetles are
also essentially the result of naturally occurring photonic
crystal effects that evolved on their surface with time. In
1987, Yablonovitch first proposed the po ssibility of con-
trolling properties of light through the photonic bandgap
effect in man-made photonic crystals.
PBGFs essentially consist of a core surrounded by
a periodic cladding having a photonic crystal-like struc-
ture (i.e., a periodi c refractive index distributi on). As
explained above, the inherent periodicity of the cladding
results in a photonic bandgap, which forbids propagation
Guided Wave Optical Components and Devices; ISBN: 9780120884810
Copyright Ó 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights of reproduction, in any form, reserved.
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