Note that compared with silica glass, most non-silica
glasses have significantly steeper viscosity curves, which
leads to greater demands on the process control during
fiber drawing. Nevertheless, a high degree of re-
producibility for the HF geometry has already been
demonstrated for both lead silicate glass [47] and bis-
muth glass [48]. The core diameter can be adjusted
during fiber drawing by an appropriate choice of the
external fiber diameter. Small-core dimensions are
chosen to provide tight mode confinement and thus high
effective non-linearity. For fiber designs of the type
shown in Fig. 3.3.3, core diameters in the range of 1.7–
2.3 mm correspond to struts that are typically >5 mm long
and <250 nm thick. These long thin struts act to isolate
the core optically from the external environment and
thus ensure that confinement loss is negligible (see Sec-
tion Excellent structural reproducibility has
been demo nstrated using this fabrication technique. State-of-the-art
A diverse range of high-quality transverse fiber cross-
sections based on a hexagonal lattice configuration can
now be fabricated in silica glass via the capillary stacking
fabrication technique. Continued improvements in the
fabrication procedures ha ve reduced the losses of
microstructured fibers dramatically in recent years. At
the time of this writing, transmission losses of 0.28 dB/
km for silica index-guiding HFs [53] and 1.7 dB/km for
silica PBGFs [54] were reported at 1550 nm. It is worth
noting that losses are typically larger for small-core
(highly nonlinear) fibers of the type described in Section This is principally caused by nanometer-scale
surface roughness at the air–glass boundaries near the
core [55]. However, this is not a significant limitation,
because most applications of highly nonlinear fibers re-
quire the use of short fiber lengths.
As the numbers quoted above attest, within a decade
the loss of microstructured fibers has been reduced to
values close to those achieved in conventional solid
transmission fibers. The prospect of microstructured
silica fibers with a lower transmission loss than conven-
tional fibers represents a tantal izing possibility with the
potential to revolutionize telecommunications. Index-
guiding fibers are one potential route to lower fiber
losses, given that the core can be ma de from pure silica,
which potentially offers lower loss than a doped core.
Gas core bandgap fibers are another attractiv e potential
route to lower fiber losses, given that they can have as
little as 1 % of the light propogating in the silica within
the cladding.
The fabrication of soft glass microstructured fibers is
currently less mature. The first good quality single-mode
fibers were reported in 2002 [42], and it is now possible
to produce fibers in a broad range of glasses with losses on
the order of 2 dB/m at 1550 nm. It is anticipated that
further fabrication work should reduce the losses of
these fibers to below 1 dB/m in a number of soft glass
materials. Although this loss value is high relative to silica
glass, it still allows the development of soft glass–based
nonlinear fiber devices with better figures of merit than is
possible using existing technologies (see Section
3.3.4 Fiber design methodologies
The presence of wavelength-scale holes in micro-
structured fibers leads to challenges in the accurate
modeling of their optical characteristics. A wide variety of
fiber des ign techniques can be used, ranging from effective
step-index fiber models to approaches that incorporate
the full complexity of the transverse cross-section. Here
these methods are reviewed and assessed in terms of their
suitability for modeling optical properties of both index-
guiding HFs and PBGFs. Some of the issues associated
with designing and modeling practical fibers are high-
lighted. Note that when dispersion predictions are
required, many of the approaches described below allow
the dispersion of the material to be included ab initio
through the usual Sellmeier formula. Effective index methods
The complex nature of the cladding structure of the
microstructured optical fiber does not generally allow
for the direct use of analytical methods from traditional
fiber theory. However, for index-guidi ng HFs, a scalar
model based on an effective index of the cladding has
proven to give a good qualitative description of their
operation [7].
The fundamental idea behind this approach is to first
evaluate the properties of the periodically repeated air
hole lattice that forms the cladding. By solving the scalar
wave equat ion in a hexagonal cell centered on a single air
hole, the propagation constant of the lowest order mode
that could propagate in the infinite cladding material is
determined. In this work , the hexago nal unit cell is ap-
proximated by a circular one to simplify the analysis. This
procedure allows the effective cladding index of the
fundamental cladding mode, sometimes called the fun-
damental sp ace-filling mode (FSM), to be determined as
a function of the wavelength (n
The next step of the method is then to model the fiber
as a standard step-index fiber, using n
as the cladding
index. The core of this equivalent fiber is assumed to
have the refractive index of pure silica with a core radius
typically taken to be 0.62L. (This assumes that the core
is created by the omission of one cladding air hole.)
SECTION THREE Optical Fibers
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