Chapter 9

Keeping Track of Friends and Appointments


check Keeping your contacts in sync

check Importing contacts

check Syncing to the cloud

check Filling out a new contact

check Gathering and managing contacts

check Engaging your Google calendar

These days, you never need lose a contact’s information. With use of the cloud, all data exists ad infinitum (purportedly). The definition of the cloud is complex, but for keeping information (such as your phone and email contacts), it’s a remote place where data goes to be stored. The cloud is basically a metaphor for the Internet — or a “cloud” of computers, storage servers, and software. (Whatever.)

Rather than a physical connection to the storage computer, web-based and mobile tools (or apps) connect via the Internet to a central location. As long as you can access the Internet, you can retrieve your data. In addition to finding contact information, you may ...

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