Technical metadata is meant for the IT staff responsible for the development and administration of the data warehouse. The technical personnel need information to design each process. These are processes in every functional area of the data warehouse. You, as part of the technical group on the project team, must know the proposed structure and content of the data warehouse. Different members on the project team need different kinds of information from technical metadata. If business metadata is like a roadmap for the users to use the data warehouse, technical metadata is like a support guide for the IT professionals to build, maintain, and administer the data warehouse.

9.5.1. Content Overview

IT staff working on the data warehouse project need technical metadata for different purposes. If you are a data acquisition expert, your need for metadata is different from that of the information access developer on the team. As a whole, the technical staff on the project need to understand the data extraction, data transformation, and data cleansing processes. They have to know the output layouts from every extraction routine and must understand the data transformation rules.

IT staff require technical metadata for three distinct purposes. First, IT personnel need technical metadata for the initial development of the data warehouse. Let us say you are responsible for design and development of the data transformation process. For this purpose, the metadata from ...

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