
Link: a hyperlink or anchor in an HTML document — DOM Level 0: Node → Element → HTMLElement → Link


The most important property of a Link is its href, which is the URL to which it links. The Link object also defines a number of other properties that hold portions of the URL. For each of these properties, the example given is a portion of the following (fictitious) URL:
String hash

Specifies the anchor portion of the Link’s URL, including the leading hash (#) mark—for example, “#results”. This anchor portion of a URL refers to a named position within the document referenced by the Link. In HTML files, positions are named with the name attribute of the <a> tag. (see Anchor).

String host

Specifies the hostname and port portions of a Link’s URL—for example, "“.

String hostname

Specifies the hostname portion of a Link’s URL—for example, "“.

String href

Specifies the complete text of the Link’s URL, unlike other Link URL properties that specify only portions of the URL.

String pathname

Specifies the pathname portion of a Link’s URL—for example, “/catalog/search.html”.

String port

Specifies the port portion of a Link’s URL—for example, “1234”.

String protocol

Specifies the protocol portion of a Link’s URL, including the trailing colon—for example, “http:”.

String search

Specifies the query portion of a Link’s URL, including the leading question mark—for ...

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