Chapter 2. A Tour of Unity
Once you’ve got Unity installed, it’s helpful to spend a bit of time learning your way around it. Unity’s user interface is reasonably straightforward, but there are enough individual pieces that it’s worth taking some time to review it.
The Editor
When you fire up Unity for the first time, you’ll be asked to provide your license key, and you’ll be asked to sign in to your account. If you don’t have one, or if you don’t want to sign in, you can skip the login.
If you don’t log in, Cloud Builder and other Unity services will not be available to you. We’ll look at Unity’s services later in Chapter 17; we won’t use them much when we’re first starting out, but it’s nice to be signed in.
Once you’re past that point, you’ll be taken to Unity’s start screen, where you can choose to either create a new project, or open an existing one (Figure 2-1).
If you click on the New button at the top-right, Unity will ask you for some information for it to use while setting up the project (Figure 2-2), including the name of the project, where to save it, and whether you’d like Unity to create a 2D or 3D project.
The selection between 2D or 3D doesn’t result in a huge degree ...
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