Nature of Matter
Electrical and electronic engineering essentially originate from exploiting the
motion of electrical charges. These constitute fundamental parts of matter, which
makes it essential to know its basic elements, namely the atoms. In the past, many
theories regarding the structure of an atom has been hypothesized; let’s consider
here the most relevant.
We can start with the model of Democritus (Democritus, Greek philosopher,
460–370 BCE) who hypothesized that all matter was discontinuous, so in trying
to divide it iteratively, there was a limit beyond which the matter itself could not
be decomposed anymore. Therefore, he thought a tiny, fundamental basic unit
existed and called it the atom (from the greek atomos: not divisible).
The theoretic-philosophical approach of Democritus was proved experimentally
when Dalton(John Dalton, English chemist and physicist, 1766–1844, Figure 3.1)
observed that in compounds, that is substances formed by the union of basic ele-
ments, the proportion between the masses of the individual elements is always
constant. This result is possible only if the hypothesis of the existence of the
atoms was true.
Therefore, matter shall be constituted by a basic component with a well-dened
mass.Dalton hypothesized the atom as a unique sphere.
Afterwards, Thomson (Sir Joseph John Thomson, English scientist, 1856–1940,
Figure 3.2), thanks to experiments with cathode rays (luminescent rays com-
ing from the negative terminal, named the cathode, of a tube lled with gas to
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Principles of Analog Electronics
which was applied a difference of voltage) discovered
that the atom had to be made of moving negatively
charged particles, electrons, having a mass 2000
times smaller than the lightest known atom (hydro-
gen). But, being neutral matter, those negative charges
had to be balanced by positive charges.
The atomic model proposed was again spherical,
but not indivisible anymore. Rather it had itsinternal
negative particles immersed in a “dust” of thin posi-
tively charged matter.
The successor of Thomson at the Cavendish labora-
tories of Cambridge University was Rutherford (Ernest
Rutherford, New Zealand physicist, 1871–1937, Figure
3.3), who used the alpha particles (rays emitted by
radioactive materials) as “bullets” to penetrate atoms
of a thin sheet of gold.
If the model of Thomson was correct, as alpha
particles are 7400 times heavier than electrons, they
would have crossed the thin sheet of gold without
any problems. However, certain particles were unex-
pectedly diverted. The correction to the Thomson
model led to the new hypothesis of the Rutherford
model: the atom is still a spherical structure, but
with a relatively small core, the nucleus, containing
all the positive charges and most of the mass (and
therefore also constituted by particles without charge,
neutrons), while the electrons are distributed in the
rest of the atom and orbiting around the nucleus like
planets around the sun (Figure 3.4).
The solar system model by Rutherford was also
replaced, as it did not justify subsequent observa-
tions regarding the light that was emitted from atoms
excited from electric discharge.
Bohr (Niels Henrik David Bohr, Danish physicist
and mathematician, 1885–1962, Figure 3.5), a stu-
dent of Rutherford, formulated the assumption that
the electrons in atoms can move only along certain
circular orbits, allowed each to correspond to a very
specic energy level of electrons. The orbits are said
to be discrete, that is, having a nite or countable,
not continuous, set of values.
Accordingly, each orbit corresponds to a specic
value of energy, so the energy is discrete as well.
The electrons can “transit” from one energy level to
another (from one orbit to another), by the release or
absorption of what is called photon of energy, adis-
crete value, equal to the “energy drop,” that is, the
difference between the initial and the nal energy. A
transition from a higher energy level to a lower level,
FIGURE 3.1 J. Dalton.
FIGURE 3.2 J.J.Thomson.
FIGURE 3.3 E.Rutherford.
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