Chapter 2: Positioning Your Organization to Survive and Thrive: The Four Relationships That Are Critical to Effective and Productive Fund Development (and Healthy Organizations)

1. John W. Gardner, Building Community (Washington, DC: Independent Sector, 1991).

2. Ibid., 10.

3. Ibid., 9.

4. In response to the growth of the nonprofit/NGO sector, the UN developed recommendations for economic data gathering and reporting internationally. The UNSD enlisted the services of the Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies to produce a Handbook on Non-Profit Institutions in the System of National Accounts, issued in December 2003. In 2007, the Center for Civil Society Studies produced Measuring Civil Society and Volunteering: Initial Findings from Implementation of the UN Handbook on Nonprofit Institutions.

5. Social capital reminds me of “webs of connectedness,” a phrase from Peter Senge, guru of learning organization theory. Read more about his theory in Chapter .

6. Robert D. Putnam, Bowling Alone: The Collapse And Revival of American Community. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000).

7. I used this specific example in my book Keep Your Donors, published in 2008. As of this moment, the global economic recession is over, although unemployment is still very high. General Motors is healthier. And yes, GM is apparently discontinuing its Hummer. But is that because GM wants to reduce the number of car models it produces—or is it because of peer pressure, social capital that demands cars with ...

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