Setting up Zabbix with certificates

Now, on to making the passive items on A test host use the certificates we just generated. We must provide the certificates to the Zabbix agent. In the directory where the Zabbix agent configuration file is located, create a new directory called zabbix_agent_certs. Restrict access to it, like this:

# chown zabbix zabbix_agent_certs# chmod 500 zabbix_agent_certs

From the directory where we generated the certificates, copy the relevant certificate files over to the new directory:

# cp zabbix_ca.crt /path/to/zabbix_agent_certs/# cp zabbix_agent.crt /path/to/zabbix_agent_certs/# cp zabbix_agent.key /path/to/zabbix_agent_certs/

Edit zabbix_agentd.conf and modify these parameters:

TLSAccept=certTLSConnect=unencrypted ...

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