Nested Structures

Sometimes it is convenient for one structure to contain, or nest, another. For example, Shalala Pirosky is building a structure of information about her friends. One member of the structure, naturally enough, is the friend's name. The name, however, can be represented by a structure itself, with separate entries for first and last name members. Listing 14.3 is a condensed example of Shalala's work.

Listing 14.3. The friend.c Program
 // friend.c -- example of a nested structure #include <stdio.h> #define LEN 20 const char * msgs[5] = { " Thank you for the wonderful evening, ", "You certainly prove that a ", "is a special kind of guy. We must get together", "over a delicious ", " and have a few laughs" } ; struct names { // first ...

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