Generating a Server Host Table File


You want to build a detailed host file containing the IP addresses and interface names of all of your routers.


The Perl script in Example 2-4,, builds a detailed host table that includes all of the IP addresses on each router in a list of devices. The script is written in Perl and requires NET-SNMP to extract data from the router list. No arguments are expected or required.

Example 2-4.

#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # -- a script to build a detailed host file from # information gathered from a router list. # #Set behavour $workingdir="/home/cisco/net"; $snmpro="ORARO"; # $rtrlist="$workingdir/RTR_LIST"; $snmpwalk="/usr/local/bin/snmpwalk -v 1 -c $snmpro"; $snmpget="/usr/local/bin/snmpget -v 1 -c $snmpro"; open (RTR, "$rtrlist") || die "Can't open $rtrlist file"; open (RESULT, ">$workingdir/RESULT") || die "Can't open RESULT file"; while (<RTR>) { chomp($rtr="$_"); @ifIndex=\Q$snmpwalk $rtr ipAdEntIfIndex\Q; @ipAddress=\Q$snmpwalk $rtr ipAdEntAddr\Q; $rtr1=\Q$snmpget $rtr .\Q; chomp(($foo, $RTR) = split (/"/, $rtr1)); $arraynum=0; for $ifnumber (@ifIndex) { chomp(($foo, $ifnum) = split(/= /, $ifnumber)); $ifDescription=\Q$snmpget $rtr ifName.$ifnum\Q; chomp(($foo, $ipaddr) = split(/: /, $ipAddress[$arraynum])); chomp(($foo, $ifdes) = split(/= /, $ifDescription)); $name="$RTR-$ifdes"; #$name=~s/\//-/; if ( $ifdes eq "Lo0" ) { $name=$RTR }; print RESULT "$ipaddr\t\t$name\n"; $arraynum++; } } close(RTR); ...

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