Analyzing ACL Log Entries
You want to analyze the log entries created by logging ACLs.
The Perl script in Example 19-1 parses a router syslog file and builds a detailed report of packets that were denied by logging ACLs. By default, the script will parse every ACL log message that it finds in the syslog file on a server. You can also look for messages associated with a particular ACL by specifying the ACL number or name as a command-line argument.
Example 19-1.
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # -- a script to extract ACL logs from a syslog file. # # Set behavior $log="/var/log/cisco.log"; $ntop=10; # chomp ($acl=$ARGV[0]); if ($acl == "") { $acl=".*"}; open(LOG , "<$log") or die; while (<LOG>) { if (/IPACCESSLOGP: list $acl denied ([tcpud]+) ([0-9.]+)\(([0-9]+)\) -> ([0-9.]+)\(([0-9]+)\), ([0-9]+) /) { $x=$6; $srca{$2}+=$x; $foo=sprintf("%16s -> %16s %3s port %-6s",$2,$4,$1,$5); $moo=sprintf("%3s port %-6s",$1,$5); $quad{$foo}+=$x; $port{$moo}+=$x; } } $n=0; printf ("Connection Summary:\n"); foreach $i (sort { $quad{$b} <=> $quad{$a} } keys %quad) { if ($n++ >= $ntop) { last }; printf ("%6s:%s\n", $quad{$i},$i); } $n=0; printf ("\nDestination Port Summary:\n"); foreach $i ( sort { $port{$b} <=> $port{$a} } keys %port) { if ($n++ >= $ntop) { last }; printf ("%6s: %s\n", $port{$i},$i); } $n=0; printf ("\nSource Address Summary:\n"); foreach $i ( sort { $srca{$b} <=> $srca{$a} } keys %srca) { if ($n++ >= $ntop) { last }; printf ("%6s: %s\n", $srca{$i},$i); ...
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