Appendix C. RFCs Related to IPv6

This appendix provides an exhaustive list of the RFCs defined by the IETF and related to the IPv6 protocol. These RFCs are grouped by category.


Rationale for IPv6

RFC 2775, Internet Transparency, B. Carpenter , IETF,, February 2000

RFC 2993, Architectural Implications of NAT, T. Hain , IETF,, November 2000

RFC 3194, The Host-Density Ratio for Address Assignment Efficiency: An update on the H ratio, C. Huitema, A. Durand , IETF,, November 2001

Protocol Specifications

RFC 2460, Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification, S. Deering, R. Hinden , IETF,, December 1998

RFC 2463, Internet Control ...

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