Managing Text with NSString

Text is one of the most useful data types. The main iOS class for working with simple text is NSString. Although it does a simple job, it’s a huge class with a vast collection of methods, some of which are shown in Figure 7.1.


7.1 Just a few of the many methods built into NSString.

Creating a string

In spite of its complexity, you’ll likely use only a handful of the available methods in most projects.

To create a string, do this:

NSString *aNewString = @”A new string”;

You don’t need to use any of the more complex methods.

To duplicate a string, don’t do this:

NSString *string2 = string1;

As usual, this copies the pointer, not the data, and gives you two references to one object. Do this instead:

NSString *string2 = [NSString stringWithString: string1];

The stringWithFormat: method is widely used, because it can format text using standard NSLog format specifiers, like this:

NSString *aNewString =

[NSString stringWithFormat: @”This is a string: %@, and this is a float: %f”, anotherString, aFloat];

“%@” is replaced with the contents of anotherString, and “%f” is replaced with the contents of aFloat, formatted as a floating point number. (Details of key format options are listed in Appendix A.) You can use this method to concatenate multiple strings with optional separator characters:

NSString *aNewString =

[NSString stringWithFormat: @”Here are three ...

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