Chapter 12

Working With Teams and Specialists

In This Chapter

arrow Seeing where the teams fit in alongside the needs of the project and the individuals in it

arrow A quick and easy way of seeing why people work easily together or come into conflict

arrow Managing technical specialists, senior managers and suppliers on your project

arrow Getting top performance

Are you working completely on your own on a very small project? If so, you’re in a very small minority and instead of reading this chapter you can put your feet up, stretch luxuriously and take forty winks – sorry, a power-nap. If not, read on because this chapter covers an area that can make or break your project.

A characteristic of nearly all projects is that they’re not something one person can deliver on their own. It takes a number of people working together to achieve the end result either because the work is too much for one person, or because different skills are needed, or both. And notice the words working together in that last sentence. Just how well they work together will have a huge impact, obviously enough, on just about every aspect ...

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