Atari simulator using gym

The other part of the emulator is the gym Atari simulator:

def start_game(queue):        atari = gym.make('Breakout-v0')    key_to_act = atari.env.get_keys_to_action()    key_to_act = {k[0]: a for k, a in key_to_act.items() if len(k) > 0}    observation = atari.reset()        import numpy    from PIL import Image    img =, [0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722])    img = cv2_resize_image(img)    img = Image.fromarray(img)'save/{}.jpg'.format(0))        while True:        atari.render()        action = 0 if queue.empty() else queue.get(block=False)        if action == -1:            break        action = key_to_act.get(action, 0)        observation, reward, done, _ = atari.step(action)        if action != 0:            print("Action {}, reward {}".format(action, reward))        if done: print("Game finished") ...

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