Chapter 21

Managing Content and the Content Lifecycle


Bullet Checking in and out content

Bullet Enabling content approval

Bullet Understanding how approvals can work with workflow

Bullet Building out a Records Management site

SharePoint has always been an excellent platform for managing content. The good news is that Microsoft didn’t make the mistake of taking a great thing and changing it. It left the content management systems in SharePoint mostly alone and fine-tuned them with bug fixes and smoother interfaces.

In this chapter, you learn about the basics of managing content, such as checking a file out and checking it back in, and get a feel for content approval workflows. You explore the records management functionality in SharePoint and discover how to define terms, create information management policies, and set up a site based on the Records Center template. Finally, this chapter covers some of the finer points of records management, such as using the Content Organizer tool and placing holds on content.

Checking a Document In and Out

A document library is just like any library — it ...

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