Code Models That Don’t Block #93
Chapter 12, Miscellany
in whether you want the Runnable executed immediately or in a few milli-
seconds, and whether you’re willing to handle an
you can put the code in the worker back on the event-dispatch thread. This
scheme is effectively a callback method, but instead of being concerned
about being called from some event, you’re interested in ensuring you’re
called by a given thread, namely the event-dispatch thread.
In the
doRun( ) implementation, you’ll notice that there’s a flag for whether
or not to use a worker. The blocking version doesn’t, and doesn’t need to,
since it’s already being called from the event-dispatch thread. The non-
blocking version does, but it uses a worker only to reset the contents of the
text area after downloading the contents of the URL:
final StringBuffer finalSBuf = sbuf;
Thread worker = new Thread( ) {
public void run ( ) {
contentArea.setText (finalSBuf.toString( ));
SwingUtilities.invokeLater (worker);
Notice how a final variable is used for the StringBuffer.
The anonymous inner thread can see class and instance vari-
ables but not local variables like
sbuf. It can, however, see a
final local variable, so that’s what you pass in.
Code Models That Don’t Block Hack #93
Models should know that they’re doing work on another thread.
You already know how to keep Swing responsive by moving expensive oper-
ations off the event-dispatch thread
[Hack #92]. However, one downside to that
approach is that it uses a separate inner class to coordinate the interaction
between the work being done on the other thread and the Swing compo-
nents. If you reused the same widgets in several places, you wouldn’t want
to have to write the “start a thread and populate when done” code over and
over again. So don’t. Why couldn’t the model be responsible for this sort of
Well, the model can—you just have to do a little thinking. Models in Swing
are generally in two states:
null (no data) or populated with data. What if
you had a third state, one that indicated that the model was still loading its

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