Animate JTree Drops #27
Chapter 3, Tables and Trees
The special rendering is a two-step process. First, getTreeCellRendererComponent( )
figures out if the cell to be rendered is the drop target, and if so, it sets a
. It sets another
to indicate that the drop target cell is a
leaf. Having set these
s, it returns the superclass’s implementation.
In short order, the renderer’s
paint( )
method is called. In the
paint( )
, you
can use the
s to apply special rendering. In this version, a drop tar-
get that is a leaf gets a line drawn in its top inset, suggesting that the
dropped item will be inserted before this node. If rendering a drop target
that is a branch—i.e., it’s not a leaf—then the special rendering puts a box
around the component.
Running the Code
The main method, shown in Example 3-17, builds a reorderable tree and
puts it in a
Example 3-17. Testing the drag-and-drop JTree
public static void main (String[] args) {
JTree tree = new DnDJTree( );
DefaultMutableTreeNode root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("People");
DefaultMutableTreeNode set1 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Set 1");
DefaultMutableTreeNode set2 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Set 2");
DefaultMutableTreeNode set3 = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Set 3");
set1.add (new DefaultMutableTreeNode ("Chris"));
set1.add (new DefaultMutableTreeNode ("Kelly"));
set1.add (new DefaultMutableTreeNode ("Keagan"));
set2.add (new DefaultMutableTreeNode ("Joshua"));
set2.add (new DefaultMutableTreeNode ("Kimi"));
set3.add (new DefaultMutableTreeNode ("Michael"));
set3.add (new DefaultMutableTreeNode ("Don"));
set3.add (new DefaultMutableTreeNode ("Daniel"));
root.add (set1);
root.add (set2);
set2.add (set3);
DefaultTreeModel mod = new DefaultTreeModel (root);
tree.setModel (mod);
// expand all
for (int i=0; i<tree.getRowCount( ); i++)
tree.expandRow (i);
// show tree
JScrollPane scroller =
new JScrollPane (tree,
JFrame frame = new JFrame ("DnD JTree");
frame.getContentPane( ).add (scroller);
frame.pack( );
Chapter 3, Tables and Trees
#27 Animate JTree Drops
Figure 3-12 shows the animation of a drag. In this case, the “Chris” node is
about to be dropped on top of the “Michael” node.
Because the drop is occurring over a leaf, the custom rendering shows a line
on top of the “Michael” node, meaning that “Chris” will be inserted before
“Michael”. The result of the drop is shown in Figure 3-13.
Figure 3-12. Dragging a node within a JTree
Figure 3-13. Dropping a node within a JTree
Animate JTree Drops #27
Chapter 3, Tables and Trees
In case that wasn’t such a good idea, Figure 3-14 shows the “Chris” node
being dragged back to where it was. In this case, the drag is over the “Set 1”
branch, which causes it to be drawn with a box around it, suggesting that
the drop will be “into” the branch.
The drop makes the dragged node the last child of the “Set 1” branch, as
shown in Figure 3-15.
Figure 3-14. Dragging a node to a branch
Figure 3-15. Dropping a node onto a branch
Chapter 3, Tables and Trees
#27 Animate JTree Drops
This code is primarily focused on making a single JTree reorderable. If you
want to make drag-and-drop work between widgets in your GUI, the big-
gest change you’ll need to make is to have the
drop( )
method not remove
the dragged node from the tree’s model, since you can’t assume that the
dragged item is even a node in this tree. A little bit of checking the event
source makes it easy enough to find what scenario you’re dealing with.

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