
Accountability, team. See Teams, accountability “The Accounting Game”, 54

Adopting and Refining Empowerment, 1415, 4142, 198199, 201203, 239

action plan for, 254255

information sharing and, 203211

problem of getting information stuck in organization, 213216

Appraisal forms, 169

Autonomy, creating through boundaries, 1112. See also Boundaries; Empowerment

Big-picture vision, 5152, 8283, 154158, 220

Blanchard, Ken, 23, 32, 33, 37, 60, 69, 70, 104, 140, 141, 164, 165, 198199, 209, 210

Boundaries hierarchical replacing with people’s visions and values, 221223

versus boundaries of empowerment, 8081, 221

incorporating into people’s value systems, 219220

for new business operating procedures, widening of, 230234

responsibilities ...

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