The Art of Cyber Security - A practical guide to winning the war on cyber crime

Book description

This book is about cyber security. In Part 1, the author discusses his thoughts on the cyber security industry and how those that operate within it should approach their role with the mindset of an artist. Part 2 explores the work of Sun Tzu’s The Art of War.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Copyright
  4. Contents
  5. Part 1: The mindset of an artist
    1. Chapter 1: Introduction
      1. Security and privacy in a historical context
    2. Chapter 2: Definitions and clarifications
      1. Cyber
      2. Cyber crime
      3. Cyber security
      4. Information security
    3. Chapter 3: Cyber security as an art form
      1. The artist, the creator
      2. Education kills creativity
      3. How you see the world
      4. But what if what we do isn’t perfect?
      5. In the flow
      6. You’re not just an artist. You are a martial artist.
      7. Conclusion
  6. Part 2: Sun Tzu’s The Art of War through the lens of cyber security
    1. Chapter 4: The art of cyber security
      1. Introduction
      2. Who was Sun Tzu?
      3. Translations
      4. A new kind of warfare
      5. The need for cyber security is unquestionable
      6. Let battle commence
    2. Chapter 5: Warfare and deception
    3. Chapter 6: Know yourself
      1. Understanding risk
    4. Chapter 7: Preparation and evasion
    5. Chapter 8: Water retains no constant shape
    6. Chapter 9: Strategy and tactics
    7. Chapter 10: The vital importance of state
    8. Chapter 11: The moral law
      1. Start with why
    9. Chapter 12: Calculations in battle
    10. Chapter 13: Rewards of war
      1. The blame game
      2. Rousing the C-suite to action
    11. Chapter 14: Good fighters
    12. Chapter 15: Signs and signals
    13. Chapter 16: The general and the sovereign
    14. Chapter 17: The clever general
      1. Decision fatigue
      2. The human condition
    15. Chapter 18: Disciplined and calm
      1. The survival arc
      2. Denial
      3. Deliberation
      4. Decisive action
    16. Chapter 19: Five dangerous faults
      1. Recklessness, leading to destruction
      2. Cowardice, which leads to capture
      3. A hasty temper, which can be provoked by insults
      4. A delicacy of honour which is sensitive to shame
      5. Over-solicitude for his men
    17. Chapter 20: Soldiers
    18. Chapter 21: Striving for victory
    19. Chapter 22: Conclusion
    20. Chapter 23: Required reading
  7. Further reading

Product information

  • Title: The Art of Cyber Security - A practical guide to winning the war on cyber crime
  • Author(s): Gary Hibberd
  • Release date: May 2022
  • Publisher(s): IT Governance Publishing
  • ISBN: None