STEP 24Develop a Product Plan

A diagrammatic representation of the chart represents numbers twenty-three, and twenty-four. Number twenty-four is highlighted. An arrow mark is mentioned.

In This Step, You Will:

  • Describe how you will improve your product so that you can fully capture your Beachhead Market and then start to address follow‐on markets.
  • Revisit the adjacent markets you prioritized to attack in Step 14, Calculate the Total Addressable Market Size for Follow‐on Markets, and now reprioritize as appropriate.
  • Develop a technological and product development road map that will enhance your competitive position and give you unfair advantage as you enter new markets.
A diagrammatic representation of follow-on market T A M. A rat teaches a lesson to man about the global world domination plan. It includes everything, so I came up with this genius product plan!.

It is time to revisit your Follow‐on Market TAM and develop a Product Plan so that your product is not just an island but the start of a great business.

Why This Step, and Why Now?

Putting together a growth strategy allows your team to have a plan for greatness. You have built a solid foundation for winning your Beachhead Market with the first 23 steps but now you want to expand your business and increase your impact, as was always the goal. You have not achieved your goals if you simply win the Beachhead Market, because it will be the first of many victories for you. You laid out the general plan for greatness in Step 14 and now you are adding more details on how to execute your plan. It should be noted that even though this is the last step in the 24 ...

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