Converting a Filename to a URL


You require a URL, but you have a local file.


Use getResource( ) or File.toURL( ) .


There are many operations that require a URL, but for which it would be convenient to refer to a file on the local filesystem or disk. For these, the convenience method getResource( ) in the class java.lang.Class can be used. This takes a filename and returns a URL for it:

public class GetResource { 
    public static void main(String[] argv) { 
        Class c = GetResource.class; u = c.getResource(""); 

When I ran this code on Java 2 on my MS-Windows system, it printed:


Java 2 also introduced a toURL( ) method into the File class (Section 10.2). Unlike getResource( ), this method can throw a MalformedURLException. This makes sense, since a File class can be constructed with arbitrary nonsense in the filename. So the previous code can be rewritten as:

public class FileToURL
    public static void main(String[] argv) throws MalformedURLException { u = new File("").toURL(  );

Both programs print the same result:

> java FileToURL
> java GetResource

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