Chapter 6

Working at the Command Line


Bullet Opening an administrative Command Prompt to manage your server

Bullet Configuring the command line for use

Bullet Setting up user and session environmental variables

Bullet Getting additional help at the command line

Bullet Understanding command line symbols and what they do

Just about every system administrator has worked with the Command Prompt at some point in his or her career. The Command Prompt is a launching point for a number of diagnostic utilities and a great resource for gathering information, in addition to being a method to automate repetitive tasks.

This chapter discusses working with the command line — from the basics on how to use the command line to how to customize it to your liking.

Opening an Administrative Command Prompt

The simplest way to get to the Command Prompt in Windows Server 2019 is to click the Start menu, scroll down to Windows System, and click Command Prompt. This will run the Command Prompt in an unprivileged state.

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