Chapter 11

Performance Management using Data Visualization, Mashups, and Mobile Intelligence

Quick Look

Case 1, Opening Case: Data Viz iPad App Improves America First's Performance

11.1 Data Visualization and Data Discovery

11.2 Enterprise Data Mashups

11.3 Business Dashboards

11.4 Mobile Dashboards and Intelligence

Key Terms

Chapter 11 Link Library

Evaluate and Expand Your Learning

  • IT and Data Management Decisions
  • Questions for Discussion & Review
  • Online Activities
  • Collaborative Work

Case 2, Visualization Case: Are You Ready for Some Football?

Case 3, Video Case: Mashup-Driven Dashboards and Reporting

Data Analysis & Decision Making: Know Your Facebook Fans with Mobile Intelligence


Learning Outcomes

images Describe how data visualization applications, data discovery systems, and interactive reports support organizational functions and decision making, and how visual analytics are helping managers improve financial performance.

images Explain data mashup technology as an alternative self-service and end-user systems development approach.

images Describe how enterprise dashboards and reporting support executive, managerial, and operational levels by leveraging real-time data and people's ...

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