
CharacterData — common functionality for Text and Comment nodes


DOM Level 1 Core

Inherits from/Overrides

Node CharacterData


Comment, Text


String data

The text contained by this node.

readonly unsigned long length

The number of characters contained by this node.


appendData( )

Appends the specified string to the text contained by this node.

deleteData( )

Deletes text from this node, starting with the character at the specified offset and continuing for the specified number of characters.

insertData( )

Inserts the specified string into the text of this node at the specified character offset.

replaceData( )

Replaces the characters starting at the specified character offset and continuing for the specified number of characters with the specified string.

substringData( )

Returns a copy of the text starting at the specified character offset and continuing for the specified number of characters.


CharacterData is the superinterface for Text and Comment nodes. Documents never contain CharacterData nodes; they contain only Text and Comment nodes. Since both of these node types have similar functionality, however, that functionality has been defined here so that both Text and Comment can inherit it.

See Also

Comment, Text

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