Appendix C. MySQL’s FULLTEXT Stopwords
This appendix contains the more than 500
stopwords referred to in the section “Using a FULLTEXT
index” in Chapter 8. Stopwords are words that
are considered so common as to not be worth searching for, or storing, in a
index. Theoretically, ignoring
these words makes little difference to the results of most FULLTEXT
searches, but makes MySQL databases
considerably smaller and more efficient. The words are shown here in
lowercase but apply to uppercase and mixed-case versions, too:
- A
a’s, able, about, above, according, accordingly, across, actually, after, afterwards, again, against, ain’t, all, allow, allows, almost, alone, along, already, also, although, always, am, among, amongst, an, and, another, any, anybody, anyhow, anyone, anything, anyway, anyways, anywhere, apart, appear, appreciate, appropriate, are, aren’t, around, as, aside, ask, asking, associated, at, available, away, awfully
- B
be, became, because, become, becomes, becoming, been, before, beforehand, behind, being, believe, below, beside, besides, best, better, between, beyond, both, brief, but, by
- C
c’mon, c’s, came, can, can’t, cannot, cant, cause, causes, certain, certainly, changes, clearly, co, com, come, comes, concerning, consequently, consider, considering, contain, containing, contains, corresponding, could, couldn’t, course, currently
- D
definitely, described, despite, did, didn’t, different, do, does, doesn’t, doing, don’t, done, down, downwards, during
- E
each, edu,
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