CHAPTER 11Engineers and The Consultant's Mindset: Leading From Behind



Formerly, Regional Director, Syska & Hennessy SH Group, New York

11th August 2017

Image of Daniel H. Nall, who was formerly regional director, High Performance Solutions, and vice president with SH Group, Inc. (Syska & Hennessy) in New York.
Image of Daniel H. Nall dressed as a pilot, who was a practicing architect, engineer, firm owner, and consultant, and an early pioneer of energy modeling, beginning his investigations in 1981.

Aligning Objectives and Optimizing Systems or “Catalog Engineering”

You have an incredible resume, range, and career, from engineering to architecture to sustainability. And you had to be one of the first energy analysts in the country.

Nall: Yes, I was teaching at Princeton – a split role in engineering and architecture in the 1970's. Then I got recruited to join Heery Energy Company in 1981.

Let's focus on the engineer's perspective. You're a rare bird who wears multiple hats and have a more valuable perspective than just the engineer's ...

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