Chapter 7

Sending Leads to Sales

In This Chapter

arrow Involving sales in key decisions

arrow Turning on sales-enablement functions

arrow Running campaigns for sales

Marketing automation is not just a tool for marketers, it’s a tool for sales as well. Failing to realize this will cause you to run into many issues with salespeople misunderstanding what is being passed to them and misunderstanding how to use the new technology you’ve invested in. Without proper explanation, sales staff won’t understand how to use the information received from marketing correctly, and that leads to salespeople who won’t buy in to your new processes. Remember that it’s all about generating more revenue, and both sides of the team have the same goal.

You should include sales in all steps of investigation, implementation, and refinement of your marketing automation tool. Give salespeople a voice because you need them to believe in many of these ideas for you to be successful.

This chapter explains how to turn on sales-enablement functionality in your marketing automation system. I also tell you how to align your sales and marketing teams and run your first campaigns for your salespeople.

Aligning Sales and Marketing Teams ...

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