EnterBudget component example

Building and linking this component involved changing the App.js file. Let's take a look at that one first since it passes props down to the EnterBudget component:

// Expenses/app/App.js... import EnterBudget from './components/EnterBudget';  export default class App extends Component {   ...

Set the month and year in state, then call _updateBudget:

  componentWillMount () {     this.setState({       month: dateMethods.getMonth(),       year: dateMethods.getYear()     });      this._updateBudget();   }

Push EnterBudget to the navigator and pass it two props. Hide the navigation bar so that the user cannot leave without entering a budget for the month:

  ...   _renderEnterBudgetComponent () {     this.props.navigator.push({  component: ...

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