Implementing volume rendering using splatting

In this recipe, we will implement splatting on the GPU. The splatting algorithm converts the voxel representation into splats by convolving them with a Gaussian kernel. The Gaussian smoothing kernel reduces high frequencies and smoothes out edges giving a smoothed rendered output.

Getting ready

The code for this recipe is in the Chapter7/Splatting directory.

How to do it…

Let us start this recipe by following these simple steps:

  1. Load the 3D volume data and store it into an array.
    std::ifstream infile(filename.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary); if(infile.good()) { pVolume = new GLubyte[XDIM*YDIM*ZDIM];<char*>(pVolume), XDIM*YDIM*ZDIM*sizeof(GLubyte)); infile.close(); return true; ...

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