NSBrowser — Mac OS X 10.0
This NSControl
subclass represents an interface
widget that displays hierarchical data in a series of
columns, much like a Column View in the Finder. If the data is not
hierarchical, then NSBrowser
displays the data as
a list. Data is provided to a browser by its delegate object.
@interface NSBrowser : NSControl
// Accessor Methods
- (void)setTitle:(NSString *)aString ofColumn:(int)column; |
- (void)setDoubleAction:(SEL)aSelector; |
- (SEL)doubleAction;
- (void)setMatrixClass:(Class)factoryId; |
- (Class)matrixClass;
- (void)setPathSeparator:(NSString *)newString; |
- (NSString *)pathSeparator;
- (void)setCellClass:(Class)factoryId; |
- (void)setCellPrototype:(NSCell *)aCell; |
- (id)cellPrototype;
- (void)setDelegate:(id)anObject; |
- (id)delegate;
- (void)setReusesColumns:(BOOL)flag; |
- (BOOL)reusesColumns;
- (void)setHasHorizontalScroller:(BOOL)flag; |
- (BOOL)hasHorizontalScroller;
- (void)setSeparatesColumns:(BOOL)flag; |
- (BOOL)separatesColumns;
- (void)setTitled:(BOOL)flag; |
- (void)setMinColumnWidth:(float)columnWidth; |
- (float)minColumnWidth;
- (void)setMaxVisibleColumns:(int)columnCount; |
- (int)maxVisibleColumns;
- (void)setSendsActionOnArrowKeys:(BOOL)flag; |
- (BOOL)sendsActionOnArrowKeys;
- (void)setAllowsMultipleSelection:(BOOL)flag; |
- (BOOL)allowsMultipleSelection;
- (void)setAllowsBranchSelection ... |
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