


This class represents a mapping of names, or aliases, to Key and objects. Obtain a KeyStore object by calling one of the static getInstance( ) methods, specifying the desired key store type and, optionally, the desired provider. Use "JKS” to specify the “Java Key Store” type defined by Sun. Because of U.S. export regulations, this default KeyStore supports only weak encryption of private keys. If you have the Java Cryptography Extension installed, use the type "JCEKS” and provider “SunJCE” to obtain a KeyStore implementation that offers much stronger password-based encryption of keys. Once you have created a KeyStore, use load( ) to read its contents from a stream, supplying an optional password that verifies the integrity of the stream data. Keystores are typically read from a file named .keystore in the user’s home directory.

The KeyStore API has been substantially enhanced in Java 5.0. We describe pre-5.0 methods first, and then cover Java 5.0 enhancements below. A KeyStore may contain both public and private key entries. A public key entry is represented by a Certificate object. Use getCertificate( ) to look up a named public key certificate and setCertificateEntry( ) to add a new public key certificate to the keystore. A private key entry in the keystore contains both a password-protected Key and an array of Certificate objects that represent the certificate chain for the public key that corresponds to the private key. ...

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