


This class defines a typesafe enumeration of AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute objects that may be used by the AttributedCharacterIterator returned by the formatToCharacterIterator( ) inherited from Format, or that may be used when creating a FieldPosition object with which to obtain the bounds of a specific date field in formatted output. Note that the constants defined by this class correspond closely to the integer constants defined by java.util.Calendar, and that this class defines methods for converting between the two sets of constants.

public static class DateFormat.Field extends Format.Field {
// Protected Constructors
     protected Field(String name, int calendarField);  
// Public Constants
     public static final DateFormat.Field AM_PM;  
     public static final DateFormat.Field DAY_OF_MONTH;  
     public static final DateFormat.Field DAY_OF_WEEK;  
     public static final DateFormat.Field DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH;  
     public static final DateFormat.Field DAY_OF_YEAR;  
     public static final DateFormat.Field ERA;  
     public static final DateFormat.Field HOUR0;  
     public static final DateFormat.Field HOUR1;  
     public static final DateFormat.Field HOUR_OF_DAY0;  
     public static final DateFormat.Field HOUR_OF_DAY1;  
     public static final DateFormat.Field MILLISECOND;  
     public static final DateFormat.Field MINUTE;  
     public static final DateFormat.Field MONTH;  
     public static final DateFormat.Field SECOND;  
     public static final DateFormat.Field TIME_ZONE;  
     public static final DateFormat.Field WEEK_OF_MONTH ...

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