4 Editors 1

12 Chapters

33 Cases 2

54 Methods online 3

96 Co-authors 4

105 Expert tips and comments 5

205 Contributors 6

547 Footnotes 7

1 The four editors, Marc, Adam, Markus, and Jakob, are also the main authors and the designers of this book. All text that does not name a specific author was written by us. However, we were not alone. More than 300 people helped us to create this book. Besides the co-authors and contributors, many others had important roles. Have a look at the end of the book to find all of them.

2 The 33 case studies describe how service design is used in various industries. They include many photos and key takeaways. Sometimes, we reference a specific case in a footnote as an example of how a specific tool or subject matter is used in practice.

3 Detailed hands-on descriptions of all of the service design methods included in this book are freely available online at href=""> You’ll also find short descriptions of the methods at the ends of Chapter 5, Research; Chapter 6, Ideation, Chapter 7; Prototyping; and Chapter 10, Facilitating workshops.

4 Our 96 co-authors contributed 33 case studies and 105 expert comments and tips to this book, often going through several iterations of feedback from the editors and reviewers. Their names are always included with their contributions. Make sure to quote the right people when you refer to their work! Short bios and photos of all the co-authors can be found at the end of the book.

5 We invited service design experts from academia and industry to critically comment on the chapters or to give tips on how to do it. You will find these tips and comments alongside the main text, with attributions.

6 A total of 205 contributors reviewed the original text written by the editors chapter by chapter through separate Google Docs. They suggested changes, added passages and footnotes, and sometimes even had vigorous discussions on various topics. These critical reviews were our crit sessions. They helped us to broaden our view and incorporate diverse thoughts and sources. Even though this process was a lot of work and took much longer than expected, it vastly improved the quality of the book. Have a look at the Preface to learn more about the process of this book and to read the names of all 205 heroes who invested their time into this project.

7 There are many footnotes in this book. Why so many? On the one hand, we do not expect that you will read this book cover to cover, so we wanted to highlight connections between the different chapters to guide you to other chapters you might be interested in. On the other hand, we wanted to show that service design is rooted in extensive academic work spanning many different disciplines. Even though the book is intended as a handbook for practitioners, we strove to keep a basic academic standard. As far as possible for a book like this, we have tried to mention and quote original texts or give examples for further readings where appropriate.

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