ODBC Voicemail

Asterisk contains the ability to store voicemail inside the database using the ODBC connector. This is useful in a clustered environment where you want to abstract the voicemail data from the local system so that multiple Asterisk boxes have access to the same data. Of course, you have to take into consideration that you are centralizing a part of Asterisk, and you need to take actions to protect that data, such as regular backups, and possibly clustering the database backend using replication. If you are using PostgreSQL, there are some good projects for doing this: PGcluster (http://pgfoundry.org/projects/pgcluster/) and Slony-I (http://gborg.postgresql.org/project/slony1/projdisplay.php).

Asterisk stores the voicemail inside a Binary Large Object (BLOB). When retrieving the data, it pulls the information out of the BLOB and temporarily stores it on the hard drive while it is being played back to the user. Asterisk then removes the BLOB and records from the database when the user deletes the voicemail. Many databases, such as MySQL, contain native support for BLOBs, but PostgreSQL has a couple of extra steps required to utilize this functionality that we’ll explore in this section. When you’re done, you’ll be able to record, play back, and delete voicemail data from the database just as if it were stored on the local hard drive.


This section builds upon previous configuration sections in this chapter. If you have not already done so, be sure to follow the steps in the Installing the Database” and Installing and Configuring ODBC” sections before continuing. In the Installing and Configuring ODBC” section, be sure you have enabled ODBC_STORAGE in the menuselect system under Voicemail Options.

Creating the Large Object Type

We have to tell PostgreSQL how to handle the large objects. This includes creating a trigger to clean up the data when we delete a record from the database that references a large object.

Connect to the database as the asterisk user from the console:

# psql -h localhost -U asterisk asterisk

At the PostgreSQL console, run the following script to create the large object type:

CREATE FUNCTION loout (lo) RETURNS cstring AS 'oidout' LANGUAGE internal 
CREATE FUNCTION lorecv (internal) RETURNS lo AS 'oidrecv' LANGUAGE internal 
CREATE FUNCTION losend (lo) RETURNS bytea AS 'oidrecv' LANGUAGE internal 

CREATE TYPE lo ( INPUT = loin, OUTPUT = loout, RECEIVE = lorecv, SEND = losend, 

We’ll be making use of the PostgreSQL procedural language called pgSQL/PL to create a function. This function will be called from a trigger that gets executed whenever we modify or delete a record from the table used to store voicemail. This is so the data is cleaned up and not left as an orphan in the database:

CREATE FUNCTION vm_lo_cleanup() RETURNS "trigger"
    AS $$
      msgcount INTEGER;
      -- raise notice 'Starting lo_cleanup function for large object with oid 
      -- If it is an update action but the BLOB (lo) field was not changed, 
         dont do anything
      if (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') then
        if ((old.recording = new.recording) or (old.recording is NULL)) then
          raise notice 'Not cleaning up the large object table, 
         as recording has not changed';
          return new;
        end if;
      end if;
      if (old.recording IS NOT NULL) then
        SELECT INTO msgcount COUNT(*) AS COUNT FROM voicemessages WHERE recording 
        = old.recording;
        if (msgcount > 0) then
          raise notice 'Not deleting record from the large object table, as object is 
          still referenced';
          return new;
          perform lo_unlink(old.recording);
          if found then
            raise notice 'Cleaning up the large object table';
            return new;
            raise exception 'Failed to cleanup the large object table';
            return old;
          end if;
        end if;
        raise notice 'No need to cleanup the large object table, no recording on old row';
        return new;
      end if;
    LANGUAGE plpgsql;

We’re going to create a table called voicemessages where the voicemail information will be stored:

CREATE TABLE voicemessages
  uniqueid serial PRIMARY KEY,
  msgnum int4,
  dir varchar(80),
  context varchar(80),
  macrocontext varchar(80),
  callerid varchar(40),
  origtime varchar(40),
  duration varchar(20),
  mailboxuser varchar(80),
  mailboxcontext varchar(80),
  recording lo,
  label varchar(30),
  "read" bool DEFAULT false

And now we need to associate a trigger with our newly created table in order to perform cleanup whenever we make a change or deletion from the voicemessages table:

PROCEDURE vm_lo_cleanup();

Configuring voicemail.conf for ODBC Storage

There isn’t much to add to the voicemail.conf file to enable the ODBC voicemail storage. In fact, it’s only three lines! Generally, you probably have multiple format types defined in the [general] section of voicemail.conf, however we need to set this to a single format. The wav49 format is a compressed WAV file format that should be playable on both Linux and Microsoft Windows desktops.

The odbcstorage option points at the name you defined in the res_odbc.conf file (if you’ve been following along in this chapter, then we called it asterisk). The odbctable option refers to the table where voicemail information should be stored. In the examples in this chapter we use the table named voicemessages:


You may want to create a separate voicemail context, or you can utilize the default voicemail context:

1000 => 1000,J.P. Wiser

Now connect to your Asterisk console and unload then reload the app_voicemail.so module:

*CLI> module unload app_voicemail.so
  == Unregistered application 'VoiceMail'
  == Unregistered application 'VoiceMailMain'
  == Unregistered application 'MailboxExists'
  == Unregistered application 'VMAuthenticate'

*CLI> module load app_voicemail.so
 Loaded /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/app_voicemail.so => (Comedian Mail (Voicemail System))
  == Registered application 'VoiceMail'
  == Registered application 'VoiceMailMain'
  == Registered application 'MailboxExists'
  == Registered application 'VMAuthenticate'
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf': Found

And verify that your new mailbox loaded successfully:

*CLI> voicemail show users for default
Context    Mbox  User                      Zone       NewMsg
default    1000  J.P. Wiser                                0

Testing ODBC Voicemail

Let’s create some simple dialplan logic to leave and retrieve some voicemail from our test voicemail box. We can use the simple dialplan logic as follows:

exten => 100,1,Voicemail(1000@default)      ; leave a voicemail
exten => 200,1,VoicemailMain(1000@default)  ; retrieve a voicemail

Once you’ve updated your extensions.conf file, be sure to reload the dialplan:

*CLI> dialplan reload

You can either include the odbc_vm_test context into a context accessible by an existing user, or create a separate user to test with. If you wish to do the latter, you could define a new SIP user in sip.conf like so (this will work assuming the phone is on the local LAN):


Don’t forget to reload the SIP module:

*CLI> module reload chan_sip.so

And verify that the SIP user exists:

*CLI> sip show users like odbc_test_user
Username                   Secret           Accountcode      Def.Context      ACL  NAT
odbc_test_user             supersecret                       odbc_vm_test     No   RFC3581

Then configure your phone or client with the username odbc_test_user and password supersecret, and then place a call to extension 100 to leave a voicemail. If successful, you should see something like:

    -- Executing VoiceMail("SIP/odbc_test_user-10228cac", "1000@default") in new stack
    -- Playing 'vm-intro' (language 'en')
    -- Playing 'beep' (language 'en')
    -- Recording the message
    -- x=0, open writing:  /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/1000/tmp/dlZunm format: 
       wav49, 0x101f6534
    -- User ended message by pressing #
    -- Playing 'auth-thankyou' (language 'en')
  == Parsing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/1000/INBOX/msg0000.txt': Found

We can now make use of the psql application again to make sure the recording really did make it into the database:

# psql -h localhost -U asterisk asterisk

Then run a SELECT statement to verify that you have some data in the voicemessages table:

localhost=# SELECT id,dir,callerid,mailboxcontext,recording FROM voicemessages;
id | dir                                      | callerid   | mailboxcontext | recording 
1 | /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/1000/INBOX | +18005551212 | default  | 47395
(1 row)

If the recording was placed in the database, we should get a row back. You’ll notice that the recording column contains a number (which will most certainly be different from that listed here), which is really the object ID of the large object stored in a system table. Let’s verify that the large object exists in this system table with the lo_list command:

localhost=# \lo_list
    Large objects
  ID   | Description 
 47395 | 
(1 row)

What we’re verifying is that the object ID in the voicemessages table matches that listed in the large object system table. We can also pull the data out of the database and store it to the hard drive so we can play the file back to make sure our message was saved correctly:

localhost=# \lo_export 47395 /tmp/voicemail-47395.wav

Then verify the audio with your favorite audio application, such as the play application:

# play /tmp/voicemail-47395.wav

Input Filename : /tmp/voicemail-47395.wav
Sample Size    : 8-bits
Sample Encoding: wav
Channels       : 1
Sample Rate    : 8000

Time: 00:06.22 [00:00.00] of 00:00.00 (  0.0%) Output Buffer: 298.36K


And now that we’ve confirmed everything was stored in the database correctly, we can try listening to it via the VoicemailMain() application by dialing extension 200:

    -- Executing VoiceMailMain("SIP/odbc_test_user-10228cac", "1000@default") in new stack
    -- Playing 'vm-password' (language 'en')
    -- Playing 'vm-youhave' (language 'en')
    -- Playing 'digits/1' (language 'en')
    -- Playing 'vm-INBOX' (language 'en')
    -- Playing 'vm-message' (language 'en')
    -- Playing 'vm-onefor' (language 'en')
    -- Playing 'vm-INBOX' (language 'en')
    -- Playing 'vm-messages' (language 'en')
    -- Playing 'vm-opts' (language 'en')
    -- Playing 'vm-first' (language 'en')
    -- Playing 'vm-message' (language 'en')
  == Parsing '/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/1000/INBOX/msg0000.txt': Found

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