Account names:

e-mail marketing and, 183

YouTube and, 71, 118

Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro, 281


CEOs in, 244

e-mail marketing and, 189

on Facebook, 152153

finding partner sites, 91

humor in, 242

note taking and, 304

pay-per-click ads, 58

Affiliate managers, hiring of, 213

Affiliate marketing blog example, 24

Affiliate programs, partnerships and, xxii, 137, 215, 222223, 224

Alexander, Nancy, 8889, 131, 134, 226, 304

American dream, Godin on, 257258

America's Funniest Home Videos (tv show), 159, 8

Animated shows, creating, 53, 122, 148, 53, 122, 148

Archives, of customer support, 17

Article hosting sites, 62, 148

Article swaps, 181, 225

Artist within, releasing, 257258

Artwork for book covers, 133134, 137

Asking for help, 250251

Audacity software, 272

Audience for book, xxiii–xxiv

Audience for sites. See also Prospects

determining, 3233

expert interviews and, 226227

finding with eBay, 8790

growing, 43

social media and, 161


content distribution strategy, 147

e-mail marketing, 185

expert interviews, 228

expert knowledge and, 271273

habits of marketing success, 51

newsletter articles, 141

on outsourcing, 287

reputation management, 8

teleseminars, 276279

voiceovers for videos, 123

voice-recording software, 133

webinars, 281


business story and, 235

content creation, 26

habits of marketing success, 49, 51

humor and, 242

mobile marketing and, 101

podcasts and, 272, 273

selling yourself, 239240,

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